UV Blue reactive coolants like PC Ice and Fluid XP


Limp Gawd
Dec 29, 2004
Became aware quite some time ago that UV reative drive cables and such do not last and they start to fade and not react to UV light very well after a time.

Do the UV reactive liquid coolants do the same thing and start to fade out and not react after a while. If so, how long to they last where they look nice and bright?
Sneak said:
Do the UV reactive liquid coolants do the same thing and start to fade

Yes, and the coloring also starts to separate and leaves solid deposites in your loop.
chris.c said:
Yes, and the coloring also starts to separate and leaves solid deposites in your loop.
Not true of all dyes and coolants!
a true non particulate dye or coolant such as THIS will not separate.
I bought the Primochill PC Ice UV-Blue. It comes clear with a UV/Blue "dye bomb" syringe. I found it was indeed blue, but not a shred of UV. Possibly the reseller sent me the wrong thing.

So I searched this forum and have a few generalizations:
  • Some good comments on the FrozenCPU dye.
  • Some good comments on Dye-Lite. This is sold by DD and a few others, and can also be found at some auto parts stores. It is a UV dye for engine coolant to help find leaks.
  • Primochill had problems with their dye late last year, but it has apparently been corrected.
  • Seems to be that blue UV dye is not as bright or fades faster than green.
  • jman1 IS or works for cool-cases-usa.com and promotes it in all his posts. One reviewer had very negative things to say about the cool-cases-usa dye. I have no first hand experience.

Based on all this, and because I wanted a blue color, I tried the FrozenCPU stuff. It's also less expensive than Dye-Lite. Put about 3 drops in and it looked great for a few hours then faded. Next day put about 6 drops in, and it has not faded for the 4 days or so it's been in there. I can't say about long term yet.

The blue is more subtle than green, not real bright but I think it looks good. Next time I drain and flush I might try green though.


-- Rev
And here's an image with the blue dye:


-- Rev
i am also disappointed with primochills uv green dye.
its kind of faded over the past week. ive had it in my system for 3 weeks maybe?
I have had PC ICE UV blue and it is great have had it for about a year now.. here is a crappy pic for you


***old loop**** same coolant


*** new loop** same coolant

no separation or flim on my tubing, i have re done the loop 2x and used the same coolant for a year, also i got some on my videocard while it was running and it is fine, i got enough where water would have killed it....
Adidas4275 said:
I have had PC ICE UV blue and it is great have had it for about a year now.. here is a crappy pic for you
did your coolant have "dye bomb"? or did it come pre-mixed?
the first time i used PC ICE, it came pre-mixed and worked fine under UV for as long as I had it in my loop, about 8 months.
I had the same problem!! I bought Primochill UV Blue from FrozenCPU.com and it came premixed (which is kinda awkward cuz your supposed to mix it yourself) and it didnt glow at all! I emailed FrozenCPU's support and they are sending me a bottle of UV Blue dye.. Ill keep yall updated on whether or not its UV reactive..

Glad to know it wasnt only me.
I have used the Dye lite in my system for a 1 year, its glows the same as it did day one..

heres a pic of it glowing.


I highly reccomend it. My biggest problem was my tubing...the primoflex stopped just about ANY uv from glowing from the tubing.. while the clearflex let a lot more UV through.

I did some uv testing with different tubing and different UV liquids in my worklog here.


hope that helps.

Thanks guys. Nice pics too. Looks like PC Ice and the Dye Lite may hopefully last a while.

Cyrusx7, would like to hear how the new dye works for you though. Getting a bottle that is not UV reactive would raise a flag for me. Hope they send you one of those newer dye bombs.
Thanks guys. Nice pics too. Looks like PC Ice and the Dye Lite may hopefully last a while.

Cyrusx7, would like to hear how the new dye works for you though. Getting a bottle that is not UV reactive would raise a flag for me. Hope they send you one of those newer dye bombs.
Hate to bring back an old thread.. BUT here I go :p

The dye sucked. Every time I look at my computer I get a little irritated about the color. Bah! It doesnt matter though because now its brown from algae and im too lazy to flush the coolant. Im running it in a highly modded M-ATX case (major PITA) and its a T-line setup (vs reservoir) so ill have to figure out a way to safely disconnect something and pour it out.. This time I will definitely change the color or use a different brand..

Any tips on flushing a system? I know its gonna be yet another PITA to get the bubbles out..
ive given up with colored fluids they dont ever last and they cloud the tubing badly.... funnily enough the 2 dollar swiftech hydrx mix still lasted the longest UV wise for me before it looked like crap.

the new lines of UV reactive tubing from feser one and primochill are good, and you can mix and match if you used clear fluid lol. the caribbean blue tubing looks great.