UV Dye


Limp Gawd
Jun 17, 2003
I got some blue UV dye from crazyPC and it says to add a few drop every 5 minutes to get the desired effect. Well I have added a ton of drops and I still don't see a visible effect to the water yet. What gives?

The bottle is still prolly half full or more. Am I supposed to use a ton or what? It says not to over dye and I don't want to do that, but I still don't even see a visible effect.
I have had the same problem here...

I wonder if it is related to the water...

The water I use is filtered by a brita water filter, and I can hardly get any glow out of my dye.
maby the die you are using has to have a certain amount of chlorine that watter filters remove, try getting some watter out of the tap, put it in a glass and use a lil bit of that dye in it, if it works on the cup then its because you use filtered watter.
I was hesitant to order Blue UV because I'd read similar posts to yours in the past, however, I added about 20 drops of Blue UV dye from FrozenCPU (I was putting this in a Quart of solution so I thought I needed a lot more than the recommended "few drops") and everything is wonderfully blue under UV. The added Water Wetter makes everything look sorta pink under normal lighting but that's no biggie.

It sounds like you've added way more than 20 drops or so because I've still got about 75% of my bottle left.
Do you guys know if your UV dye from frozen cpu is conductive? Im using fluid xp and trying to figure out where to get some non conductive UV dye. If someone could get a 9 volt battery and a led light and see if it conducts through the dye and lights up that would be helpful.
I'll give that a try at work tomorrow and post back results.

How do you like the fluid xp? Have you noticed any better cooling properties (assuming you have experience with water based coolant to compare). I realize that the non-conductive issue is enough to justify in some regards, just was wondering.
yeah I got that same UV Dye (add more drops every 5 mins).. its not giving me any effect though... or it does.. but for like 2 seconds. But i don't know if that's because i have some red zerex in my loop or what.. I was kinda bummed out :\.
