VA panels with glossy finish?


Sep 2, 2006
I noticed there are a few TN's panels out there with glossy finish such as Sammy 245BW and HP W2408. But there seems to be none for VA panel? Personally I can't stand color shifting and even with glossy finish on TN's are nice but that color shifting annoys me. And since VA is right in between IPS and TN but lack that extra vividness (sp?), wouldn't it be awesome to see the VA panel in glossy finish? Like for example the LG 246WP, I would love to see that in glossy screen. And since everybody is waiting on that perfect IPS @ 24" at a reasonable price, I think a glossy VA screen with good response time would be a great solution for now. What do you think?
My AL2051W is a P-MVA with a glossy screen. The colors on it are excellent. I'll never buy a TN panel again unless they eventually make them look as good as the screen I'm looking at right now. The only downside with mine is a very average response time of 8ms, but it's not like I notice it. I'll take the noticeable enhanced color over the unnoticeable few extra ms of response. ;)
Just remember that acer has been replacing 2051W with much cheaper TN version of this screen so if someone wants to buy it now he must be extremly cautious.