Valkyria Chronicles


Nov 14, 2005
I absolutely can not wait for this game. One of my favorite genres is turn-based tactics - and this one really seems to push some boundaries with it's 3rd person action elements. The art style is amazing - although drenched in Japanese-ness (now a word). Even with the virtual tsunami of good games to play right now, this one is still at the top of my list.

IGN Review - with video.

Valkyria Chronicles isn't a perfect game. That being said, this strategy RPG from SEGA is one of the richest, most rewarding titles I've played in a long while. Combining a wealth of different genres and gameplay systems together to form a cohesive whole, Valkyria Chronicles documents the struggle of the neutral Principality of Gallia as it's caught up in the conflict between two Europan superpowers that are warring over the precious element Ragnite. Set in an alternate 1930's Europe, Valkyria Chronicles is a game that PS3 owners should be clamoring for.

Valkyria Chronicles is a game that all PS3 owners should at least try out, especially considering its unique blend of genre forms. With such a robust collection of extras to back up an already impressive mission roster and gripping story, Valkyria Chronicles comes highly recommended. I strongly encourage you to try it out and see the beauty of Gallia and its people.
Wow never heard of this but it sounds interesting, might be the first game i look at buying for my ps3 that ive had for months now
I have the JP L.E. version...I tried to play it but my limited Japanese didn't help much...I mean the gameplay was straightforward, but I wanted to get the whole story thing...Then I heard it was coming out in the US =D

Hopefully I can get that artbook w/ the gamestop preorder I made =)

At least I got a cool tank wind-up toy and figure.
Because I'm a huge fan of strategy RPGs, I plan on getting this later this year after I'm done playing all the other games that are coming out right now.
It's already available in EU from today.
I ordered mine but it'll take few days before it reaches Poland (I'm iporting from uk)
I really liked the demo, so it's on the buy list. Unfortunately, so are about 20 other games, so this probably isn't going to get bought for a while.
The gameplay is great, and the graphics are absolutely gorgeous. I replayed the skirmish six times just because the gameplay is fun and addicting. RPG and RTS are my favorite genres. When you put the two togethor successfully, it's a day one buy.

The only thing this game could use is multiplayer, but I understand why they did not incorporate it. I doubt this game will have very high market penetration.

November is a fantastic month between this and The Last Remnant.
I really liked the demo, so it's on the buy list. Unfortunately, so are about 20 other games, so this probably isn't going to get bought for a while.

Yeah I'm suffering from the same thing. I picked up Saint's Row 2, Fable 2, Fallout 3, Peggle Nights and World of Goo (twice) and I'm still looking at getting Dead Space, Pure, Left 4 Dead, Resistance 2 and possibly the new Tomb Raider game. Ugh.

I really did enjoy the demo for this game though.
So.......................................................Who picked it up and whats the story rory?
I'll be picking up my copy in about 1hr from now...When I go on my lunch break...
Prob won't be able to sample the game until this weekend =(
GameFly just shipped me my copy yesterday. Awesomeness. Now maybe I can stop playing the gdamn demo.
I want to get this game but I don't have a ps3.... but man............ is that video review from IGN boring! The guy is so unenthusiastic. And the way he said his intro..... lame. But of course, that's IGN's problem, not the game's.
i've interested in this one too.. with so many good games coming out though have to pick and choose what to get..

this will have to be a spring buy
I saw this game at the local retailer (I'm in Europe btw). This game doesn't have the hype so I thought it is just "another game" but looking at the review, (IGN give it 9.0) I think that I would like to get this soon.
I picked this up, and I'm a fan. It does have an optional install. Loading times are minimal to non-existent. The interface is very fluid, even switching from overhead to third person to make a move.

The gameplay is fun and addicting, as I said above about the demo. The voice acting is surprisingly good, and the narrarator's voice is great.

This is the best game Sega has put out since.........

Yeah.. I'm not sure I can finish that sentence. It's also refreshing to have a console game that's not based on UE3. To reiterate my earlier post in this thread again, the graphics are gorgeous.
So.......................................................Who picked it up and whats the story rory?

I did but since it's somewhere beetween Le Manche Channel and Warsaw I haven't played it yet. (getting it in Poland was serious pain so i had to import for 70% of price they were asking localy)
Might pick this up after I get paid; just finished Infinite Undiscovery and could use some more JRPG fun.
Tight on cash this month but i really liked the demo, i plan on getting it sometime down the road for sure.
I played the demo, and I was very impressed. Looks like I'll be picking this up after I'm done with phase 1 of what I like to call "fall game deluge 2008."
The animation and story are so far amazing. And as mentioned before even the voice acting is very good. I was getting ready to switch over to the original japanese dialogue - but was surprised when I found out I didn't have to.

The art style and cut-scenes, whether or not to your taste, are the best I've seen in a long time.

I'm only on the 2nd chapter yet, so I'm going to hold off commenting about the game play. So far it's very much like the demo - which I loved. The hybrid turn-based, action system is really quite good. But we'll see if later in the game it still holds up.

Loving it so far. Something new and original.
I'm about 12 hours in now and I can confidently say this is one of the best strategy games I've played in years. Not that it's necessarily the deepest or most complex - but just how everything works so well in this game. The overview command map to lay out your strategies, and then the zooming to 3rd person to carry out your commands, is all just so much fun. It also helps that I'm totally in love with the art style - which with this game can be very subjective. I'd understand if the art style wasn't for you. At times it tends to border on too cutesy and Japanese doe-eyes, but overall it succeeds in keeping a certain level of grittiness which saves it from going over-board.

The gameplay has turned out to be much deeper than I had thought based on the demo. There are a lot more things your units can do on the battlefield, like hide in grass, take over rooftops, issue special command Orders (special abilities), group attacks, steal enemy weapons, etc... There's also a really nice - although somewhat basic - xp and money system in the game. Which each successful mission or skirmish, you get xp and money to spend on either upgrading your specific classes (Scout, Assault, Lancers, Engineers, Snipers) which will give them new abilities or investing in new weapon R&D to get better equipment and improve your command tank.

And as mentioned before, the story, characters and voice acting are all very well done - which helps compliment the amazing animation. Game is awesome.....
What strategy games have you played in the past few years?

Civ IV (which will always remain the greatest strategy game ever), Civ Revolutions, Sins Of A Solar Empire, Civ Colonization, Final Fantasy Tatctics, 1701 AD, Medieval 2, Jeane D'Arc, Kings Bounty, Shock Force, Attack Of The Genos, HOMM 5, DEFCON....... that's what I can think of.

If you're looking to question my opinion, how about you just name a strategy game you have in mind and we can just go from there.
I'm on the last or second to last chapter, 35 hours in, and I would consider this game the FFT of the PS3. This is the standard I will be expecting as far as SRPGs go from here on out.
Civ IV (which will always remain the greatest strategy game ever), Civ Revolutions, Sins Of A Solar Empire, Civ Colonization, Final Fantasy Tatctics, 1701 AD, Medieval 2, Jeane D'Arc, Kings Bounty, Shock Force, Attack Of The Genos, HOMM 5, DEFCON....... that's what I can think of.

A nice batch of games, you have excellent taste. I was actually trying to gauge your experience in the JSRPG genre - strategy is like saying "RPG" - it means very different things to different people.

If you're looking to question my opinion, how about you just name a strategy game you have in mind and we can just go from there.
I was thinking Disgaea, Soul Nomad, or any of the other highly-regarded console JSRPGs. They have a distinct flavor, albeit Valkyria Chronicles departs a bit from them. What did you think of VC in comparison to FFT and JDA?
I was thinking Disgaea, Soul Nomad, or any of the other highly-regarded console JSRPGs. They have a distinct flavor, albeit Valkyria Chronicles departs a bit from them. What did you think of VC in comparison to FFT and JDA?

This may sound odd considering my love for Valkyria, but I just can't do Disgaea. It's just too cutesy and too Saturday-morning-cartoon for me - I have to turn it off after 10 minutes. So I really can't comment on the gameplay.

As much as I should have loved Tactics, I just didn't care for a few of the gameplay mechanics - specifically the magic system. I also didn't care for the Jobs aspect - and how my characters were always haphazardly switching classes. So it's a decent game with a few niggles. On the other hand Jeanne D'Arc is simply the best game on the PSP, and also one of the best strategy games in years. Valkyria is better than both of them though.

Never played Soul Nomad.
This is the best game Sega has put out since.........

Yeah.. I'm not sure I can finish that sentence.

Shenmue? Burning Rangers? Nights? Panzer Dragoon?

Admittedly that was from a while back but Sega have done quite alot of good games outside the arcades.
I'm only into Chapter 4 now, but I'm loving the game. Overall the gameplay reminds me of X-Com. (Which helps bring the love.)

The graphics are awesome. I actually give a crap about the characters. The hybrid turnbased system works very nicely. 5.1 surround sound is kinda spiffy. .. speaking of audio, the english track is very well done.

Also, having to repeat the mission to take the bridge head several times due to stupid mistakes didn't bother me in the least. As goofy as that sounds, that is a really good compliment as I generally get a bad attitude when getting repeatedly shafted by a mismatch of game design and myself (ex. "only one way to do this jump! dont suck!" *fails* /facepalm *repeat*). So far with VC, I've felt like there was always something I could do different.

Thus far.. quite pleased with the game.
I have to say that the game seems to be fair... it doesn't pull some cheap ass trick to make you lose a battle. Whenever I lose, I know it is because of something I could have done better.

I just got my ass handed to me in Ch 7, but it was close. I know what I need to do for next time, what different units I might be better off with, etc.

I refuse to let any of my units stay down.. (If you go through 3 phases and you haven't rescued them or an enemy touches them, they are dead forever... they don't come back) and I'll burn however many CP it takes to get them a medic.

Thankfully, you don't have to level up brand new characters if you do lose one, as you're leveling up the class and not individuals.. but I still don't want to lose anybody because they are all unique.
I'm intrigued by this game. Is there any exploration in it or does it just go from battle to battle like Advance Wars?
I'm intrigued by this game. Is there any exploration in it or does it just go from battle to battle like Advance Wars?

There's no exploration. The story is told as through a book with the use of animated cut scenes. After watching a few 'episodes' of storyline you play a battle. There is no over world or anything like that.
Wow I just started playing mine copy (come home few days ago but i only returned from bussiness trip today) and after few chapters I can tell this thing is briliant and so far meets all the forum hype it gets.

Pity it has really crappy sales so far in EU and US :(
So guys go and buy it so we might get more briliant canvas engine SRPGs in the future :)

Anyway Sega with this and Empire Total war makes my favourite developer in next few months (well Capcom is close)
I don't really play RPG but this game is something different, I really like the gameplay.
Of all the things I enjoy, not moving in tiles is probably one of the simplest upgrades that I like and would like to see more in strategy rpgs.
Of all the things I enjoy, not moving in tiles is probably one of the simplest upgrades that I like and would like to see more in strategy rpgs.

That and being able to move after performing an action and being able to take cover made it enjoyable for me. I only played the demo so there may be other stuff I haven't experienced yet.
I have never heard of this title. Is this a US demo as well?

Is it anything like Blue Dragon? (gameplay that is)