Valve Says “No Unauthorized Actions” Were Enabled On Improperly Viewed Steam Accounts


Aug 20, 2006
For those who managed to miss this, it’s yet another reminder that no company is immune to careless security mistakes and that you should be vigilant with what kind of stored information you entrust to any entity.

"Steam is back up and running without any known issues," we were told via email. "As a result of a configuration change earlier today, a caching issue allowed some users to randomly see pages generated for other users for a period of less than an hour. This issue has since been resolved. We believe no unauthorized actions were allowed on accounts beyond the viewing of cached page information and no additional action is required by users."
"Steam is back up and running without any known issues"

Of course, that's why I get errors trying to access anything other than the store.
It boggles the mind that the default action is for Steam to store your CC# and you have to opt out to stop it. I have posted numerous times on theior forum that it should be opt in as default and not opt out but they just don't care. Yes, I have stored my CC# there accidentally once and had to go find out how to remove it afterwards. :mad:
It boggles the mind that the default action is for Steam to store your CC# and you have to opt out to stop it. I have posted numerous times on theior forum that it should be opt in as default and not opt out but they just don't care. Yes, I have stored my CC# there accidentally once and had to go find out how to remove it afterwards. :mad:

Even then. If anyone was able to see your info in the cache mismatch issue... they'd only see the last 4 digits and any attempt to purchase games was met with a "This is not your account" error.

Yeah, what happened here was a major fuckup... but it's highly unlikely that anyone's going to end up dealing with fraudulent purchases as a result of it.
I'm surprised Steam hasn't sent any emails or put a message up when I logged into Steam
Steam doesn't even care about their customers. They have a monopoly on the PC digital games market and they make money hand over first, no matter happens. So they just shrug it off like it didn't even matter to them. Lol....
weird phrasing on Valve's part...'no unauthorized actions were enabled' that because the breach didn't allow any unauthorized actions to take place or because no one tried to abuse the breach?
you may be living in an alternate universe.

Da fuq? Put down the christmas crack pipe!

Nope, you guys are just confused as to what happens to your data once you put it in digital form and give it to someone else. You don't read the fine-print on anything, and the fine-print is often very specific, but your "private" data isn't the kind of private you are thinking about at all.

You don't want people to know? Don't tell anyone.
That, of course, can't be done if you are willing to shop online.
XBox Live and PSN lose everyone's data, it's a fairly minor story among many of data breaches.

Steam has a data compromise and people lose their minds.
Steam has a data compromise and people lose their minds.

Maybe in your alternate reality. No one lost their minds. Plenty of people, however, have rushed in to downplay this and defend Valve. Business as usual.
It boggles the mind that the default action is for Steam to store your CC# and you have to opt out to stop it. I have posted numerous times on theior forum that it should be opt in as default and not opt out but they just don't care. Yes, I have stored my CC# there accidentally once and had to go find out how to remove it afterwards. :mad:

I doubt they will ever do it because people can make a speedy checkout on impulse purchases.

That being said I received I started receiving unknown zipped attachments in my email the other day which I've never received before. I deleted them figuring they were viruses. It's possible my email might have been harvested from this "glitch".