Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines for $35shipped (ends tonight)


May 31, 2003
Hey guys I just ran into this deal while searching online. It's $15 under retail price if you use the dirt cheap $1.99 shipping, and the sale ends tonight at midnight.

I searched [H]otdeals and didn't see this posted, so please don't flame me if it has been. ;)

Also if you see this after the sale is over, has this game for $40 shipped (no taxes in some states) which is still a pretty good deal.
I really like it. I haven't beaten it yet though. There are a few bugs, but there are some unofficial patches that fix them. The story is good, and I like how the game plays somewhat different depending on what clan you are.
this is the only PC game that EBGames is taking returns on cuz A LOT of people aren't even able to get the game to run and there's no official patch to fix yet.

it wont work if u have alcohol 120% or daemon tools

it wont work if your monitor doesnt support monster refresh rates of like 120hz

and asmentioned, misc bugs.

this game is still in beta... at best.

i'd wait for the patches to come out, then it should be about $19.99 by then
yeah.... this is game is still in beta lol. There is a problem where load time grows everytime you load :confused: Sometimes I would get "windows is out of virtual memory" message :confused: I set my max virtual memory to 4096MB and I have 30 gigs free hard drive space. This games likes 1 GIG of RAM.

Besides the hardware and bug problem, the game is very good and is not linear like HL2. I like this game alot and wanted to upgrade my RAM to 1 Gig just for this game. A MUST GET!!!!!
The game coulda been awesome - but i played it and it wasnt so hot. RPGs are kickass and the whole vampire this is cool but its just so unpolished. $35 isnt worth it. Save it for something else.

WoW on the otherhand... worth the $50 AND the monthly fee IMHO =)
scout007 said:
yeah.... this is game is still in beta lol. There is a problem where load time grows everytime you load :confused: Sometimes I would get "windows is out of virtual memory" message :confused: I set my max virtual memory to 4096MB and I have 30 gigs free hard drive space. This games likes 1 GIG of RAM.

Wow I'm surprised they let the game out with a nasty memory leak like that...
Hooligan said:
it wont work if your monitor doesnt support monster refresh rates of like 120hz

Uhh, yes it it will, but you do have to futz with dxdiag.
It's a REALLY great game. I just got it last night and I played it for like 7 hours off and on. Very fun, plenty to do, interesting quests, awesome dialogue, good voice acting, nice graphics, and a superb atmosphere. True there are a few bugs, and it's a little frustrating, but the core gameplay is amazingly fun and the characters are unique and intriguing. Story seems good so far too. So aside from the bugs, there's little not to like about this game.

It's really cool how you can approach certain situations in many different ways. For instance, I was once facing this boss type character with a knife and she was constantly whooping me. So I decided to take a different approach. I went in packing a shotgun instead of a knife since it does massive damage. When I went in I used one of my "animal spells" to keep her at bay with carniverous beetles, while I unloaded shotgun shells in her face. She rocked my world in melee combat, but when she couldn't get up in my face she was a piece of cake.

Kind of reminded me of Undying. You know, casting spells with on hand while firing my boomstick with the other. The game seems to incorporate a lot of aspects from a lot of my favorite games like Splinter Cell, Deus Ex, Kotor, Hitman, and Undying.

It's really too bad that it's so buggy (it's bad, but not bad enough to ruin the experience, at least for me) because it seems the bugs are hurting it's score everywhere.
I've played a lot of D&D/VTM tabletop and while I'm geeky, was never geeky enough to participate in LARP. I really loved VTM: Redepmption a few years ago, even though I had a K6-2 450MHz on an ALi Aladdin V board with V770 TNT2 32MB it played pretty decent.

I REALLY want to play this game, but all these bugs make me want to wait for a patch....and a used $20 copy off eBay...