Vantage/'06 Scores - Any thoughts?


Feb 12, 2006
I just finished building a new rig, and I've been testing with 3D Mark Vantage and 3D Mark 06 for the first time. Even though the online results browser compares your rig to others with similar setups, I was wondering if anyone could comment on my scores as far as real world performance goes.

3D Mark Vantage - 12057
3D Mark 06 - 17971

Core i7 950
6gb ram
Radeon 4890

Everything is stock speed right now, as I wanted to see what I'd get without OC'ing. So, are these high/low or what? The '06 score seems to be about midline in ORB, but that Vantage score seems to be on the low side in the ORB.
3dmark06 is extremely CPU dependent. You will commonly see people with fast processors post extremely high scores even when using mid-range videocards. In most cases this does not translate to real-world performance with modern games, but as long as you understand that the end score is almost all CPU, it might be useful for some comparisons against similar hardware.

3dmark Vantage is not quite as CPU dependent (though it still is more than most games). The one big curve-ball with Vantage is PhysX. If you have an Nvidia card (or to a lesser extent a PPU) it will inflate your CPU score and your overall score by quite a bit because the PhysX will be accelerated in hardware. This definitely does not translate into real-world performance, since hardly any games use PhysX. The games that do are made with the idea that many won't have hardware PhysX and tailor the game accordingly.
Good to know. I've never really used either program before, so I was kind of in the dark about what to expect with the results.