VBox - Command line Error - Vista x64


Feb 17, 2007
So, I've been learning/working with VirtualBox for a few months now and I'm working my way down into the guts of it's usefulness. My goal is to clone some of my fresh-install .vdi's. However, the only way to get this functionality to work is through the command line.

The problem is I can't get any commands to work; not showvminfo, list, clondhd or any others.

Error messages for any commands I've tried:

Error: failed to create the VirtualBox object!
Error: Could not lock the settings file 'C:\Users\Username\.VirtualBox\VirtualBox.xml' <VERR_SHARING_VIOLATION>
Details: code E_Fail (0x8004005), component VirtualBox, interface IVirtualBox, callee <Null>

I've already perused the user manual and the Vbox forums to no avail. I know it's gotta be something simple, I just can't figure out what it is. I've also checked file permissions, sharing, etc and still got nothing.

Any suggestions?
Are you running the commands from the same account that used to install vbox?
Does virtualbox run and let you open your virtual machines and only the commands fail?
Is this an administrator account?
How exactly are you running the commands?
Are you running the commands from the same account that used to install vbox?
Does virtualbox run and let you open your virtual machines and only the commands fail?
Is this an administrator account?
How exactly are you running the commands?

GUI runs perfectly, command line= above error for every command I've tried so far.
elevated command prompt

I get the header output that states vbox version, date etc. But I also get the above error. I think it has something to do with the xml files. I changed my file structure from the default, but only slightly; and all vdi's are located on a seperate raided drive from the OS or apps.