VCAP5-DCA (5.5) Study Guide


May 29, 2009
I know I have asked this before and one of the recommendations was to watch the Jason Nash aka NetJunkie videos on Pluralsight. My only concern is those videos are for 5.1 and I am scheduled to take the 5.5 exam on May 30th. Should I still use these videos for training?

I am already way behind on studying being that I have been working 6-7 days a week. I need to get a good grasp on this exam ASAP.

I tend to use the installed vSphere Client the most. Should I be focusing more on the web client for this exam?

I heard you can skip over labs and come back to them, but are any of the labs tied together. Meaning if you don't do the steps in lab 5, then you can't complete lab 10?
My videos still get you most of the way there. Then just look at the blueprint for anything new in 5.5 and cover that. Been getting a lot of feedback that my vids are still very valuable.
So let's say I pass my VCAP5-DCA next Saturday. Do I start looking towards doing the VCAP5-DCD, or just go for the VCP6-DCV and then VCIX6-DCV?

I definitely want to learn more about vSphere 6.0, but it is hard to know where the large enterprises will be later this year.
I'd go toward vSphere 6.0. It won't be long until the 5.x exams are phased out. I wouldn't waste my time. We're already seeing customers wanting to move to 6.0.
I'd go toward vSphere 6.0. It won't be long until the 5.x exams are phased out. I wouldn't waste my time. We're already seeing customers wanting to move to 6.0.

You have any clue when we will see the VCIX-DCV become available? I'd love to take one while at VMworld. I haven't failed one yet while there, I think there is a SF magic in the air :). I already have the dcd and dca, so one pass would get me to the vcix-dcv. I would probably take the design exam. I suspect they would hammer pretty hard on psc design. That would be interesting in the visio like questions.
So about 3.5 hours after I finished the vCAP, I received an email saying I passed. I thought it takes 15 business days? Does this mean it is official and I actually passed? I was fairly certain I didn't.
You passed. Word is that some of the test is graded automatically and if you do well on that you get a fast email. If you don't and someone has to manually grade your lab then it takes longer.

Congrats! :)
You have any clue when we will see the VCIX-DCV become available? I'd love to take one while at VMworld. I haven't failed one yet while there, I think there is a SF magic in the air :). I already have the dcd and dca, so one pass would get me to the vcix-dcv. I would probably take the design exam. I suspect they would hammer pretty hard on psc design. That would be interesting in the visio like questions.

Nope..not sure on VCIX. I don't think there is a date yet.

How was the testing speed? When I took mine on vSphere 5.0 the connection to the lab gear was so slow even a mouse click took over a second to register. I ended up skipping 6 of the 26 questions due to time constraints but still passed.

How was the testing speed? When I took mine on vSphere 5.0 the connection to the lab gear was so slow even a mouse click took over a second to register. I ended up skipping 6 of the 26 questions due to time constraints but still passed.

Not great. Web Client of course was slow. The screen resolution was horrible, and it was difficult to resize things so I could see what I wanted. I guess if you can remember everything off the top of your head, it wouldn't be so bad, but certain things I had to look up which wasted time. In the real world I keep everything in Evernote and copy and paste a lot. Maybe that is a habit I should break.

And thanks guys!
Got my official certification this morning. :D

I was definitely shocked about actually passing especially on the first try. I literally just kept hitting next on the questions at one point and was about to click Finish and call it a day and go back to studying. But I didn't and went back through the questions and did what I could. Three hours is not a lot when it comes to remembering CLI. I really need to stop copying and pasting so much. Kind of like using GPS all the time. One day my phone is going to die and I am going to get lost getting home without GPS. :p
I have to say, since adding VCAP to my LinkedIn profile yesterday, I have had about 20 new add requests from recruiters and many emails about jobs.