vCenter 5 / old hosts, agent question


Oct 7, 2004
I am reading Duncan and Frank's clustering deepdive. I'm not quite 100 pages in. Pretty much cart before the horse, because I'm reading all this low level technical information without getting to play with basic functionality yet.

I got really curious because of all the changes to HA (replacement of AAM) and the role functionality changes, like vpxa not being responsible for VM/App monitoring. Previous releases tell me the updated agents will be deployed on the older hosts, so is that true for vSphere 5? If I have a cluster with 4.0 or 4.1 hosts, is the new FDM agent for HA going to be used?? I have to assume so, or you could not have mixed 5 / <5 clusters. Useful info for upgrading. Assuming they're deployed, what about those agent's compatibility with ESX?

Unlike some of you lucky people... I don't have access to test any of this stuff.
Bah, I didn't know Jason had posted that on his blog... oh well I guess I didn't read his newest post before I created this thread.

Lopoetve, glad you chimed in. I'll infer that you mean both the HA agent and the vCenter agent are updated. You didn't say anything about ESX though, and Jason says he hasn't tried it. It works though, doesn't it! :) You people who get to use 5.0 stuff... I'm jealous.
Bah, I didn't know Jason had posted that on his blog... oh well I guess I didn't read his newest post before I created this thread.

Lopoetve, glad you chimed in. I'll infer that you mean both the HA agent and the vCenter agent are updated. You didn't say anything about ESX though, and Jason says he hasn't tried it. It works though, doesn't it! :) You people who get to use 5.0 stuff... I'm jealous.



I have a lot of neat things installed
How's their new book? I'm about half way through their first book and its been really good thus far. I like the writing style.



I have a lot of neat things installed

Quiet you unless you're sharin :D
How's their new book? I'm about half way through their first book and its been really good thus far. I like the writing style.

It's very good so far. Like the first book, you have to overlook the grammar, some of the diagrams, and other editing issues.

One of the first things I noticed was the very first diagram of the book shows 2 hosts... both are called ESXi02 ! Very neat... no dns problems there I guess, and below that was a bullet list they said contained 3 items.. and that is true because one of the items was listed twice, but there were 4 lines of bullet points.

Stuff like that drives me nuts, but overall the information has been very good. I've been reading each chapter twice to try and make everything sink in. Mostly I've been comparing what I understood currently to how it has changed. I paid for the hardcopy of the book in full color, but you can get the kindle version for 10 bucks, which is about 1/5 the price.
I bought their first book and while I'm still studying for VCP and really don't need this deep of a dive, I think its helpful because I can't really study a topic and not dive deeper for a firmer understanding overall. Yeah some of the editing is funny but for the information:cost ratio, I'll take it. I'll probably just order the B&W when I'm done with VCP4.
Have to remember...they self publish so they don't have a professional editing/proof reading staff.

The eBook is a great deal.