Vegas 2 Improvments?


Loves the juice
Sep 25, 2002
Does anyone know what improvements UBI Soft has made to the engine or if this is the same game engine used for RS - Vegas? I also wanted to know if anyone knows anything about the gun selection in Vegas 2? The 1st game was fun however I always found the lack of weapon selection to be lacking. You had very few weapons to choose from but the game play / fun factor made up for that in a way...
Considering Vegas used UE3... and UE3 is still the latest engine... I'm going to guess not a whole lot of difference from the graphical perspective. I think UE3 might have gained a few minor features since Vegas... but Vegas was already a very modern looking game. Doesn't need any major revamping IMO.

Game had plenty of weapons. I look forward to continuing the story line and the game play. Vegas was a blast!
Single player looks the same they took out the bloom and sharpened the textures up. Some slowdowns here and there but the last level had massive framerate slowdowns. The multiplayer looks just about as nice as the singleplayer graphics wise (sharp, no fuzzy bloom shit) And most of the mp maps are rehashed from previous rainbow six games. I didn't realize it till I played a few of them for a bit (2 were from raven shield)
11 new weapons.

To me it looks like it would be worth an expansion, not a 60$ whole new game.
11 new weapons.

To me it looks like it would be worth an expansion, not a 60$ whole new game.

i read last night on teamxbox there is other new stuff too like thermal vision and a scanner that is satelite type based which you can use on occasion to get a view of all your enemies..

i havent' played it yet but from all the previews and interviews i've read it's not just an expansion, it is a whole new game, it just happens to be set in the same location as the last rainbow
i havent' played it yet but from all the previews and interviews i've read it's not just an expansion, it is a whole new game, it just happens to be set in the same location as the last rainbow

I realize that. I'm just saying the small changes that they made + new maps aren't worth a whole new installment in the series.
I plan on getting the game, but I haven't been following the game too closely. I do know that there are new weapons (which was mentioned), as well as a much improved online co-op system for the regular campaign, a few new multiplayer modes, and the ability to use your face (if you have the Xbox 360 Vision Camera), in the single player campaign.
I don't see how its much improved being that they reduced the coop players from 4 total, to two. :(

that's true but they fixed a lot of the other online issues. honestly for me the biggest improvement will be offline campaign is seamless to online campaign. i'd sacrifice 2 of the 4 slots for that any day of the week. this is the future of gaming IMO, all single player campaign at some point will be open for it becoming online eventually.
I don't see how its much improved being that they reduced the coop players from 4 total, to two. :(

That is a good point, and although I knew about that, I completely forgot. I don't mind it going to only two human players in online co-op, because I was more concerned about how it actually worked. Although the original Vegas allowed for more in online co-op., it was gimped compared to the single player campaign experience.
Is it just me or does this game look like complete crap. The first vegas graphics looked better then this.
Single player looks the same they took out the bloom and sharpened the textures up. Some slowdowns here and there but the last level had massive framerate slowdowns. The multiplayer looks just about as nice as the singleplayer graphics wise (sharp, no fuzzy bloom shit) And most of the mp maps are rehashed from previous rainbow six games. I didn't realize it till I played a few of them for a bit (2 were from raven shield)
how did you play it? It comes out tomorrow.
Even though it's basically an expansion pack I'll still be picking it up. I really enjoyed the first and with the improvements to coop story mode, number 2 should be even better. Sure 4 player story mode would be ideal, but I prefer having cut scenes and voiceovers more than two extra people.
Is it just me or does this game look like complete crap. The first vegas graphics looked better then this.

It basically looks like the first Vegas, with some very minor tweaks. I don't see how it qualifies as "complete crap," but to each his own. :confused:
Can't remember if its target or circuit city but vegas 2 comes with a 10$ gift card. (I think its target...)
Circuit City has a free game if you buy vegas 2.....I'm not sure what game though (probably vegas 1....).

I'm going to pick it up there and then turn around and sell vegas so it'll be like getting vegas 2 for just 30'ish something.
circuit city DOES NOT have a free game...its a energy some energy drink and dice or something
circuit city DOES NOT have a free game...its a energy some energy drink and dice or something

Yea, what kind of shit is that :confused:

It's an energy drink and a pair of fuzzy dice... so f'ing lame. Hoping for a free Vegas was a bit too much to hope for though, since they just gave a free Condemned away with purchase of Condemned 2... but one can dream =O
That sucks, someone posted on the xbox forums that it was a free game w/ it :(.
I don't think we get any free stuff up here in Canada, I wouldn't mind an energy drink to go with the game.
I'll be picking up my 2 copies sometime tomorrow morning.

My GT is N3mi5is if anyone else is getting it.
Yes that $40 price is right for Frye's but that is iN-store only.

Also - here is an extra multiplayer map if anyone wants it, I got this code buy preordering from Gamestop and my friend just tried it on his copy and it worked:

In the game main menu select "EXTRAS" then select "COMCAST gift" in the submenu. Then using the virtual keyboard enter “COMCAST FASTER”.
this is the future of gaming IMO, all single player campaign at some point will be open for it becoming online eventually.

Less Features, paying full game price for an expansion while using the same engine? If this is the future of gaming, I'll pass. Faggot kiddies buying this shit without question is the reason the industry is going to shit.
Less Features, paying full game price for an expansion while using the same engine? If this is the future of gaming, I'll pass. Faggot kiddies buying this shit without question is the reason the industry is going to shit.'s not all faggot kiddies buying this (i'm 38 and completely str8, LOL) and honestly if you don't think it's worth it then please DO pass, that's your right as a consumer. If a lot of people think like you and don't buy the game then the next game will be priced less or released as an expansion pack. But I know I WILL get my $63 worth out of this no question. And I can also predict many folks will buy this and not just blindly buy it either, but buy it knowing EXACTLY what they are paying for and be quite happy with that decision. Also, consumers today are more informed than ever with our instant world of message boards, internet review sites, texting, word-of-mouth, etc etc so not many people just blindly buy things anymore without knowing what they are getting before doing so.

Honestly, I know where you are coming from and the point you're trying to make here, heck I can even agree the game probably should be $40 but posts like this insulting people in this manner who are buying the game just make you and people of your opinion look juvenile, and your overall point is completely lost in the process.
I picked this up today, and I asked myself two questions: Do I want it? Can I afford it? Both answer were yes, so I bought it. Having a job is wonderful.