Velocity Micro Desktop Replacements/Best Buy PSP


Sep 24, 2006
I have an old Toshiba P25 which is having its DVD drive being replaced under the PSP at Best Buy for the 4th time. Since it looks like they can't seem to replace the defective drive without putting in yet another defective drive, it looks like my best bet is to get them to replace the laptop with a comparable laptop through the PSP. The problem is when I got to looking around the Best Buy store this last time I dropped off my laptop I was not finding anything I would consider a comparable replacement. The website was the same way until I noticed that configurable systems were available through a link to Velocity Micro's website.

I haven't seen whole lot of reviews on Velocity Micro's laptop lines except for one on the NoteMagix M57 Ultra and one on the NoteMagix B50 from 2003 which scares the heck out of me since it uses the same exact case as a Tangent Shuttle I was forced to buy through my school which has serious heating issues among other things. So I was wondering what people's experiences were with buying Velocity Micro's Laptops. How reliable are they? How good is their cooling? What is the difference between the Standard 3D Performance Tuning Option and the Moderate 3D Performance Tuning Option?

Also what are your all's experiences trading in a laptop under a PSP? I've never been in a situation like this and would like to know what to watch out for.
I had a Sony laptop that I had to replace under PSP after about a year and a half because the video went up and they couldn't get that motherboard with the integrated ATI video anymore. I really didn't see any laptops I wanted, plus by that time I had my pick of work laptops, so I just had them give me store credit. They gave me full purchase price of the laptop, minus the PSP purchase price. Then I went back a bought a TV. I don't know if that will help you in your situation, but know that you can get store credit for your full purchase price.