Venice rumors here please!

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If they're holding out on us so that they can have the supply to backup demand, unlike the video card mfgs, then.. I don't mind, eh, another week.. :p
CaptRingold said:
If they're holding out on us so that they can have the supply to backup demand, unlike the video card mfgs, then.. I don't mind, eh, another week.. :p

i can understand that point of view...
new 90nm FX-55's (San Diego like the new Opterons) should be shipping from the distributor in a week. I don't see venice shipping in lower speed grade processors for another two months though (I could be wrong on venice though).
dropadrop said:
new 90nm FX-55's (San Diego like the new Opterons) should be shipping from the distributor in a week. I don't see venice shipping in lower speed grade processors for another two months though (I could be wrong on venice though).

Are the new FXes AND the new Opterons San Diego? Am I missing something here or doesn't the opteron use ECC memory and if so can it be the same core as the FX? :confused:

I have probably missed something here regarding the Opteron since I dont follow that development as carefully as I do with the A64.
Are there any plans to make the FXs have 2mb L2 cache? As Opteron will be going that way soon.
Im happy with my FX-55, its at 3.0 on air(XP-120) and i guess ya cant ask too much more than that.......can you?
double the price? heh... :) the old double mint comercials just flashed in my brain. :eek:
dropadrop said:
new 90nm FX-55's (San Diego like the new Opterons) should be shipping from the distributor in a week. I don't see venice shipping in lower speed grade processors for another two months though (I could be wrong on venice though).
i'm not certain, but it only makes sense if amd doesn't confuse consumers more by overlapping winchester and venice.
i think they will definitly phase out winchester and sell the slower clocking venice cores in the low end market, but that looks like it's going to wait a while, especially if these rumors about a 90nm fx-55 are right (i'm skeptical after looking into it deeply, but one mustn't lose hope now, can they?)
dropadrop said:
new 90nm FX-55's (San Diego like the new Opterons) should be shipping from the distributor in a week. I don't see venice shipping in lower speed grade processors for another two months though (I could be wrong on venice though).

the Inq says the EE 3.74 will be out on the 21st so, if true (90nm FX next week) that would be good
What are the odds that the vanilla A64(s) will be released at the same time as the FX? I'm assuming that they won't stretch their PR to the point of announcing something new every day or so.

Been a lot of AMD news lately...
Now Eclipse Im disapointed in U

Why do U post this in another thread and not here :sad:

doesn't look like venice will have the thermal drop we hoped for. though it's doing better than the fx-55, the 2.6ghz opteron still has a tdp of 92.6w (though i note it's the only one with that tdp, and 1.4-2.4ghz E cores have a tdp of 85.3w, so i'm guessing 92.6w is good for a few more speed bumps)

What TDPs do we have in the 09 Opterons and the Venice opterons and what clockspeed Im slow today so pls write a MaC - explanation... (Management and Children :D),,7832_11341,00.html?redir=CPQR07

hope that helps, the 90nm chips are at the bottom of the list.
and dropadrop.. i go back and forth. considering that there are 2.6ghz opterons on revision E, all they have to do is change the package and unlock the multi's and presto, they have an fx-55. so it's feasible.. very feasible, it's just whether they really will replace the 130 sSOI fx55 ;)
What's interesting is that the D stepping takes less power than the E stepping. I wonder if the SSE3 instructions are requiring the extra power. Anyone know how much higher the transister count is.

the sse3 isn't using up that much more power. look at the transition from the fx-53 that has SOI.. rated for 89w. then you have the fx-55. a 8.3% speed bump, but the power goes up to 104 watts, which is a 16.9% power jump. i feel that most of this extra power comes from the strained silicon's higher voltage leakage, not the speed increase (power scales almost linearly with speed)
Been out of the loop for a bit. That or something new happened that I haven't noticed.

So what's the deal now? The E stepping isn't what we expected? The Winnie remains leader even after the Venice?

Someone should post a summary.
(cf)Eclipse said:
the sse3 isn't using up that much more power. look at the transition from the fx-53 that has SOI.. rated for 89w. then you have the fx-55. a 8.3% speed bump, but the power goes up to 104 watts, which is a 16.9% power jump. i feel that most of this extra power comes from the strained silicon's higher voltage leakage, not the speed increase (power scales almost linearly with speed)

I thought the main purpose of the Strained Silicon was to help manage voltage leakage....
Decelerate said:
Been out of the loop for a bit. That or something new happened that I haven't noticed.

So what's the deal now? The E stepping isn't what we expected? The Winnie remains leader even after the Venice?

Someone should post a summary.

As far as I know, there are no stats out yet. Just speculating based on TDP numbers.
venice will clock better (~24% according to amd), but at the expense of higher power comsumption... i was silly before and didn't realise that 24% more transistor performance meant higher clocks, not less power draw.
so it seems this way: if you have good cooling, venice will get you higher, but winchester should be good for stock cooling cause it puts out less heat.. but then again, this is conjecture, and we don't know how these things scale with voltage yet.

Hito Bahadur said:
I thought the main purpose of the Strained Silicon was to help manage voltage leakage....
that's what i thought too, but apparently it's not true :confused:
(cf)Eclipse said:
venice will clock better (~24% according to amd), but at the expense of higher power comsumption... i was silly before and didn't realise that 24% more transistor performance meant higher clocks, not less power draw.
so it seems this way: if you have good cooling, venice will get you higher, but winchester should be good for stock cooling cause it puts out less heat.. but then again, this is conjecture, and we don't know how these things scale with voltage yet.

that's what i thought too, but apparently it's not true :confused:

The only other possible reasons I could see for the higher wattage was transistor count and possible a higher FSB (don't know why a higher FSB would increase the requirements to the CPU).

Oh, well. As you say. We will know when they come out.
Ah I see, thanks for the head's up. :D

Yeah I did notice a small panic when the new Opterons came out, but didn't catch on on what the deal was (I'm so lazy....) aside from the masses crying out it consumes more power!
Ok Eclipse once again you have proved yourself to be an optimist :) Ure statment on the arrival of the Venice late Jan to Mid Feb just didn't come true :( sadly enough. So we still have dryfires rumor on May and we still have CEBIT :D for me Im counting on CEBIT...
Frallan said:
Ok Eclipse once again you have proved yourself to be an optimist :) Ure statment on the arrival of the Venice late Jan to Mid Feb just didn't come true :( sadly enough. So we still have dryfires rumor on May and we still have CEBIT :D for me Im counting on CEBIT...

i say mid/late march! :D
Well CEBIT is the 10th to the 16th of March and to present the new CPUs there sort of makes a bang. It is also far enought from the Opteron E-core presentation to be an isolated event. Therefor I believe in CEBIT but this is only speculation from my side I haven't heard or seen anyting that speaks for my theory.
yup, so it is.. oh well, i'm allowed to wish :p

as for the may/cebit theory... cebit is about 2 weeks away, that may be a little early, but may seems a little late. i think i'm giving up on when venice comes out and just hope amd makes it in the first quarter like they said they would.
(cf)Eclipse said:
... i was silly before and didn't realise that 24% more transistor performance meant higher clocks, not less power draw.

it can be either one or a combination of the two
Frallan said:
Ok Eclipse once again you have proved yourself to be an optimist :) Ure statment on the arrival of the Venice late Jan to Mid Feb just didn't come true :( sadly enough. So we still have dryfires rumor on May and we still have CEBIT :D for me Im counting on CEBIT...

I was kinda hoping to be wrong in this matter. I hope I'm wrong cause I'm getting bored with my newcastle as I can tweak no more.
i think you meant to post this link

and yeah, looks interesting. i find is curious that they call it "ASBOX" when AS = 939 FX's
and the tdp is the same (67w) as winchesters.. i dunno if this is a real product or not, but hopefully reputable american vendors will follow suit soon. :D
if the tdp is the same, then what's the benefit? i'm building a a64 htpc and am trying to decide whether or not to wait for venice. i don't want to pull the trigger too fast and miss out on something good
amd likes to keep one tdp for the all speeds of the same core. so maybe the fastest is 67w (I'm still waiting for offical word before I loose hope).

but we have sse3 implementation (whoopdy doo) and hoepfully a better memory controller.
The supposed Venice 3500+ in that link would cost ~$368 USD under current currency conversion rates. The cheapest retail 3500+ on Pricewatch is about $268 USD. One hundred dollars is a big difference in price for the same speed rating.

Lets hope this is not how the pricing will play out.
Both Venice and Winchester costs 273.27€ at StegPC so I think price for Venice will be about the same as Winchester in US also...
so does this mean that they have already been released outside of the US? im assuming that this also means we will be receiving them here in the states soon, within the next month?
Theres something wierd in those CPUs, 3500+ sledgehammer? :confused:

This is what I saw on finnish forum:

That is for code ADA3500DEP4AS

1. Recognized as 130nm NewCastle
2. CBID can't read OPN# or release date (this works with NewCastle/Winchester)
3. As cool as Winchester (28c in bios with stock cooling)
4. CPU-Z:n says cpuz.cvf is corrupted
5. According to reliable source this should be successor of Winchester

:confused: :confused:
geez, why are we always the last to get stuff. the processor is developed by a US company!
when I tried to google that cpu code I found some japanese sites talking about 3500+ sledgehammers.

Well I think I can cope with 3000+ until Dualcores come...
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