VeriSign Wins Patent for Internet Typo Redirection

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Just when you thought you’d heard the last of that Site Finder crap, it is back in the news again because VeriSign was granted a patent on redirecting mistyped addresses. The company says it has no plans on resurrecting Site Finder but you have to wonder, why did they apply for a patent unless they were going to use it?

The company that runs many of the Internet's core directory systems has won a patent for its controversial service that helps Internet users find sites even when they mistype addresses. VeriSign Inc. said it has no intentions of resurrecting the Site Finder service, but it declined further comment on its plans for the patent, including bloggers' speculation that it could now demand licensing fees from EarthLink Inc. and other companies that have since started similar efforts.
Just when you thought you’d heard the last of that Site Finder crap, it is back in the news again because VeriSign was granted a patent on redirecting mistyped addresses. The company says it has no plans on resurrecting Site Finder but you have to wonder, why did they apply for a patent unless they were going to use it?

I suppose it's possible that they applied for a patent to prevent other people from do it.
I should apply for a patent for stupid patents. I'd be a billionaire within a year from all the lawsuits.
The supreme court is set to hear arguments on software patents AGAIN. They already ruled some time ago that you can't patent pure information (i.e. Software, redirects, 1-click....) So unless we get another activist judge situation this should all go away in the near future.
I am actually glad they got this patent. Maybe now those ISP's doing this will stop, or else have to pay huge licensing fees.

Hey, one can dream can't he?
I am actually glad they got this patent. Maybe now those ISP's doing this will stop, or else have to pay huge licensing fees.

Hey, one can dream can't he?

Except VeriSign is the company that abused this worse then anyone else. VeriSign abused it's status DNS registry for .net and .com to redirect all unused addresses to it's advertisment, essentially expropriating BILLIONS of dollars worth of domains without paying a cent. Obviously VeriSign is attempting to impliment another way to abuse it's position.
Once again, anything beyond a very narrow specific manner of dealing with the typo'd inquiries would be OBVIOUS under the art, and Too broad.

Every guy has a dick, and a hand, and yet you cannot patent how to jerk off..... it wouold be OBVIOUS under the Art. :eek::rolleyes::p

I hate those things. Verizon DSL uses them and they're a complete pain in the ass.