Verizon approves 9 phones and 5 tablets for ICS

I hate to be overly optimistic, since this is Verizon we're talking about here. But I have to wonder if this means that Verizon is actually in the process of testing ICS updates for the listed devices? Seems like it would be a mighty bold move for them to promise ICS for certain devices without a working OS in hand.

Can't wait to get ICS on my Bionic (assuming it doesn't break anything). I refuse to install one of these hybrid "ICS" ROMs from the forums, as the locked bootloader means the kernel won't be correct. ICS needs a 3.0.x linux kernel to function correctly, IMHO.
I hate to be overly optimistic, since this is Verizon we're talking about here. But I have to wonder if this means that Verizon is actually in the process of testing ICS updates for the listed devices?

Seeing as the WiFi version of the Motorola Xoom got the update quite a while ago there's at least one case of the update having been ready and simply not approved by Verizon. Who knows about the rest, but I wouldn't be surprised if the updates are all in Verizon's approval queue.
they're so damn slow, they need to hire the rooting devs.
Seeing as the WiFi version of the Motorola Xoom got the update quite a while ago there's at least one case of the update having been ready and simply not approved by Verizon. Who knows about the rest, but I wouldn't be surprised if the updates are all in Verizon's approval queue.

The thing that surprises me is that if this is true, it means that companies such as Motorola and HTC have actually managed to update their custom frameworks to be ICS compliant - which surprises me as this generally takes them several months.
Bah, no more carrier-subed tablets for me- not until shared data plans come out. I have a HTC Flyer kicking around the house- I really didn't use it as much as I thought I would since I use my phone for everything.... so I was stuck with an expensive monthly data plan until a ToS change allowed me to get out of that mistake.
I'm pretty excited to get ICS rolling on my Droid Razr. My very first android experience was with a Motorola Devour. Absolute terrible experience for me as it was stuck with Motoblur 1.5... Switched over to an HTC Incredible which ended up being a much better experience all together, but as soon as the iPhone hit Verizon I jumped ship. Sadly, the iPhone's small screen made it difficult for me to type. The Razr so far has been an awesome device to keep at my side throughout the day, but I think it could really shine with ICS. Gingerbread is a welcome compared to what I had prior, but ICS just looks soooo much better. :)