Verizon giving out early upgrades if your lucky

It is NOT identical in size. A quarter of an inch when talking about a large cell phone is significant to some of us. I don't want to put something the size of a netbook up to my face to talk. That phone is wider than most if not all other smart phones and I've already thought that some of them were out of hand as far as size went as it is.

First, I didn't say it was identical in size. I said it was nearly identical. Second, the netbook joke is really funny, but kinda old at this point. I will agree the phone is large, but saying it's the size of a netbook is quite an over-exaggeration. We all get it now, you think the phone is too big. I will admit though that I was considering buying a netbook, but I don't need to now, since I have this Droid [strike=1]netbook[/s] X on order. ;)

If you like phones that big then great. Go for it. I for one don't really care about my phone having tons of features. I like having internet access on it and occasionally use the GPS, text etc. but I don't watch video on my phone, I rarely use the camera feature, and an enormous touch screen isn't something I consider a serious advantage.

I don't necessarily like big phones. I have been wanting an Android based phone since the first G1 was released. Coming from a "dumb" phone, I am pretty excited about all the cool features the Droid and Android OS is going to have and offer that my LG Env Touch didn't. Verizon finally gave me the option to upgrade (7 months) early. I looked at all the Droids that Verizon currently has available and bought the phone that had the features and form factor that I liked.

It was merely a coincidence that the phone I liked best also happened to be the largest out of the bunch. I'm 6'5 and I have rather large hands, so the phone is not that big to me. I can understand how people of smaller stature might be intimidated by it's size though. ;)

As far as holding the monolithic Droid X up to my head goes, I recently bought a bluetooth headset for the sole purpose of NOT putting the phone up to my face. I've even used it with my current phone and it's quite liberating not holding a phone, regardless of size, up to your ear.
Hrmm I might try this to get a Droid X. There is no way I would ever get the Droid 2. I love my current Droid but it feels like a brick in my hand and pockets. I almost never use the physical keyboard even though I have been trying to condition myself to use it for texting. The physical key just sucks and the Droid 2 looks like it uses the same mat type keyboard. I would rather use the on screen keyboard and have something the weighs half the weight. Thanks OP.

i was reading they redid the keyboard on the D2... since that was the major "issue" with the first one.
i was reading they redid the keyboard on the D2... since that was the major "issue" with the first one.

They did, and instead of a mat type of thing, each button is raised, with beveled edges, so its more like each key is its own, and much easier to hit than the original droid. Also, they removed that huge directional pad on the side, making the keyboard wider.
Can we get more input on the original topic rather than comparing phones? I bought my Droid in August and was wondering what the furthest out people were that still got approved for an upgrade.
OK well here is a little more information, I dunno if its helpful or not. My wife got her phone (an env2) in like February of 2010, and wasn't really eligible for an early upgrade just yesterday. But Verizon said that they would upgrade her as long as she went to a smart phone. Hope thats somewhat helpful.
Since our company has a Verizon account, just spoke with our rep about early upgrade. Only stickler is that the D2 requires all new docks - fucking asshole move.
I bought my Droid in August and was wondering what the furthest out people were that still got approved for an upgrade.

Why ask us? We aren't going to be able to say if you'll get the offer or not. Call the number!
Docks are awesome, but I can never seem to justify the price since a cable does the same thing.

As for the original question, I would say keep bugging them and see what happens.
i called this number and got it no problem... 199 but it has a $100 mail in rebate (visa debit card) so you have to pay 299 up front, plus a $20 early upgrade fee. My upgrade wasn't until January and they even billed my account.

As far as rooting the phone, a friend of mine rooted his no problem, simple app install and worked like a charm.
i called this number and got it no problem... 199 but it has a $100 mail in rebate (visa debit card) so you have to pay 299 up front, plus a $20 early upgrade fee. My upgrade wasn't until January and they even billed my account.

As far as rooting the phone, a friend of mine rooted his no problem, simple app install and worked like a charm.

$20 upgrade fee? I didn't have that.

droid x has been rooted, droid 2 hasn't yet. Give it a few days =P
They didn't charge me a 20.00 uprade fee. By way the I got my X on Weds. love the speed but the volume sucks. Guess I am getting kinda old but compared to my droid you can hardly hear the darn thing ring.
Rep says froyo update is suppose to take care of the problem and they are aware of it. And that switching to another X won't help but dang what good is a phone if you can't hear the damn thing ring.
My regular droid is plenty loud. Thinking about trying the Incredible. Don't know?
Droid 2 on its way for me.They charged me the 20.00 to activate the phone.Either way super stoked,I'm going to start rooting in first day I get it.
Mines shipped yesterday via priority overnight fedex. Since I'm in Hawaii it won't be here until Monday =(
I got my early upgrade by calling and asking. Apparently they can give you one a month or two before your actual date..
Droid 2 on its way for me.
I've gotten the chance to check one out and despite Engadget's 6/10 and recommendation to stick w/ the original DROID, I feel the complete opposite, 8.5/10 easily. And I'm a pretty picky son of a bitch.
Droid 2 on its way for me.They charged me the 20.00 to activate the phone.Either way super stoked,I'm going to start rooting in first day I get it.

I picked mine up on launch day, its so fast, I love it. My one and only complaint about it, is how horrible the screen is to look at in sunlight. Under any other light, it looks amazing, very nice resolution and very crisp, but under direct sunlight, its almost impossible to read. Good thing I spend most of my time inside.
I went ahead and did it. I'm not (wasn't) eligible for an upgrade until September of 2011 so this is a great deal for me.

The only negative about the droid vs the blackberry I can think of is email pushing. Instead of my emails automatically coming to my phone and alerting me I may have to touch a send/receive button.

Trust me, push works every bit as well on a Droid as it does on a BlackBerry. I do prefer Nitrodesk Touchdown for Exchange email, but fact is, most times the email hits my phone before it hits Outlook.

I've never had to manually check for email on my Droid. And i've had it since it came out last November.
Trust me, push works every bit as well on a Droid as it does on a BlackBerry. I do prefer Nitrodesk Touchdown for Exchange email, but fact is, most times the email hits my phone before it hits Outlook.

I've never had to manually check for email on my Droid. And i've had it since it came out last November.

I'm hopeful then!
$100 instant when bought online. There's a coupon code for $30 off too. Check the Howardforum DROID 2 prerelease/release threads.
Well I have had my original Droid for about 4-5 months and the screen got broken. I called up this # to see about an early upgrade, the guy on that line was very helpful but unable to authorize it. He xferred me to the customer care line and I told my situation to the new guy, he got his manager to approve me for a Droid 2! Would of been $299 w/$100 mail in rebate, but they waived that even! Got a brand new Droid 2 on the way for $199, only been with Verizon a short time but damn they take care of their customers..I did get insurance on this one lol.. ;)
You know, I loathe going into the store, but they've got some badass folks in customer care. Had a guy waive a restock fee last time I called.