Very good motherboard for core 2 duo 6600 processor??

Feb 5, 2006
Hi there,

I always have been an amd fan, so i know all about amd processors and motherboards, but right now the core 2 duo processor is the best choice with such prices, but i dont know almost anything about them, there are various chipsets (975, 965) , nvidia 590 and many others, so i dont really dont know what is the best for me.

i want a very good performer motherboard with good overclocking capacibilities but i dont want the best of the best , but i want a very good memory, so which motherboard brand (chipsettoo ) and what memory i have to choose for a 6600 core 2 processor.

thanks in advance
i saw in tomshardware that the msi is cheapper and is better overclocking

what about nvidia 590 sli motherboards?
I have a DS3 also, and it's a pretty good performer for the price. The high end motherboards might squeeze a few extra mhz out of an OC, but they cost $70 more.