Very small PCI card with decent S-video TV OUT!!!?? help


Limp Gawd
Jan 24, 2005
So i got bored over the weekend and fixed up my old nintendo pc. Instead this time i want to connect it to my tv using the built in S-video in the motherboard.

its a VIA EPIA-M10000 Mainboard

now ive connected the mobo my tv, and i get pretty bad video on my tv, i have a crt by the way. Ive even tried messing with the resolution, and tweaking the hell out of the built in video. So ive been looking on buying a very small PCI video card with decent tv out that allows me to read not so big text. ati? nvidia? doesnt really bother me here i just need something to watch movies, and read text on my tv.

i need a small video card to fit in this small space

so ive looked into this and into this price range

is this crap? could ya help me? thanks guys! :)
yea thatll work fine for what your doing

lol i could see you running SNES games on that you should try and make a NES pad work with it lol or SNES one :cool:
that card is a Geforce MX4000, so it will perform like a GeForce 2 :p

If you want to go nVidia, this low profile card might be your best bet: Geforce FX 5700LE 128MB
Or if you dont need that much power: Geforce FX5200 128MB

I used to have an AGP FX5200 and it could run PS1 and N64 emulators...the PCI FX5700 should be adiquate for that as well.
well ill just be connected it directly to the tv using the s video out

I bought that card, should expect it this week. I hope it makes a nice difference on the quality of the picture.
ill put pics up later i guess
Remember though, its still JUST and S-Video cable (Allthough Component Video still wont net you much better picture quality comeing from a computer), and most TV's are designed to run at 320x240. :eek:
Remember though, its still JUST and S-Video cable (Allthough Component Video still wont net you much better picture quality comeing from a computer), and most TV's are designed to run at 320x240.

Yeah, in my experience in some instances going from composite to svideo actually makes the picture looks worse...the composite connection actually softens some of the crappy output that you sometimes can see with a svideo connection (a little added resolution).

When it comes to both svideo and composite, the lower the resolution output, the better...especially if you plan on trying to read any text on the screen. Sure you can increase the onscreen font, but not in every case.

I have to disagree with the previous poster...component connections can output high definition resolutions...and aside from a straight DVI connection, it really doesn't get any better. If you have an HDTV (I'm guessing you dont) and if you happen to pickup an older ATI Radeon AIW that supported their DVI to Component adapter, or if you went out and picked up a transcoder (VGA to component), depending on your TV you could pull res up to 1920 x 1080 (interlaced) and other lower range progressive stuff like 480P, 540P, 720P.

The only problem with the ATI solution is that using their adapter limited your choices when it came to output resolution.
hardwarephreak said:
I have to disagree with the previous poster...component connections can output high definition resolutions...and aside from a straight DVI connection, it really doesn't get any better.
Let me clarify, it can give you a better picture. My point was that if you have an average (low def) TV with component video inputs and you hook your computer up to it, the actual display could start to limit image quality, thus rendering component video not much better than S-Video.
Thats such a cool idea that you have got going that... Very nice idea.
And I vote on the 5200... Nice and small and even have DVI LOL!
hm ok, well when i get it then i will see how it works out

I can play music (with windows media) fine on it now, pictures looks fine, movies not so great, the frame rate lags so bad but the picture quality is nice

when i get the card lets hope it helps

but i am saving money for a dlp tv :)

...yeah i really appreciate the help and useful info thanks guys