Very warm Q6600!! Need fan/heatsink opinions please.


Sep 14, 2004
The story is I'm REALLY pushing my B3 stepped Q6600. 8x400 and the voltage is 1.325v. Temps wander with A/C on and off all the time. My small office heats up easily. Idle - 46,44,36,42 (70°F room) 48,46,39,44 (74°F room). Load temps, lol, I shut down Prime when the hottest core hits 70. :eek: This is the speed I want to run at so I am risking it with my current cooler. I have reseated the cooler with AS5 with no improvements. I've always been a Zalman fan but it's time to move onto something better. Here's a breakdown of what I'm looking for and all opinions are welcome and appreciated.

1. Same size as the Zalman CNPS9500. It can be a little bigger but not much.

2. Quiet. I really don't want a leaf blower in there.

3. Hot air needs to exhaust towards the rear of the case. I don't want my power supply sucking up all the heat from the CPU.
whats up man, my chip ran at the same temps with stock cooling. However, once I put in my thermaltake v1 it dropped to 32-36idle and never hits 50c on load. But i see that you said it cannot be much bigger than the zalman so the v1 is not for you. But i would still try to look into it as it’s a great cooler and I did not have to remove the MB to install it. It took 5 min. Goodluck.

Or go with this one, its the best for that chip.
whats up man, my chip ran at the same temps with stock cooling. However, once I put in my thermaltake v1 it dropped to 32-36idle and never hits 50c on load. But i see that you said it cannot be much bigger than the zalman so the v1 is not for you. But i would still try to look into it as it’s a great cooler and I did not have to remove the MB to install it. It took 5 min. Goodluck.

Or go with this one, its the best for that chip.

+1 for the true

Side note the v1 can't keep a quad that cool ive had one and it had problems keeping duals cool let alone a quad.
Any fan recommendations for the Thermalright Ultra-120? I do have some Antec 120mm blue LED fans I could use. Will any 120mm fan bolt onto this thing?
well everyone has different experiences with the same hardware. But my chip is only clocked to 3.2 with stock volts, and i have the 690m case with great airflow.

The fan you have is good.
the true is good if your willing to spend that much, personally id think about the xigmatek s1283, zerotherm nirvana, or OCZ vendetta 2
Part of the problem is most likely your Sonata case. Beautiful case, but not fantastic airflow. If you were to mod it doesn't have much room in the front, but maybe a hole on the bottom and a 120 mm fan to suck air from underneath the case. That wouldn't change the look of your Sonata either. Your air exhausts from only one 120mm, your PSU and if your video card has exhaust.

Its a great case, but its not for massive overclocking, and with what pushing your B3 at, your looking at massive overclocking.
yep im running a q6600 G0 though in my sonata iii case and im thinking about punching a 80mm hole on the side and maybe a top 80mm fan for exhausting purposes since i live in southern california and temps are always 80-90'F
To be 100% honest, I have to run it with the side off lol. But o well my subwoofer sits right next to the case so it covers it up some. A case upgrade will be in my future soon.

I think I'll go with the Thermalright Ultra-120. It's 20mm wider than the Zalman I have but it should fit. And the reviews I looked at showed it to be a very effective cooler. Even if it only drops my temps a few degrees it'll be enough.
Good choice, I would also try using RealTemp for your temps. It will give you a more accuate reading that Core temp gives you.
When I set the correct TJ Max of 100 in Realtemp it gives me thee exact same readings as CoreTemp. Thanks though. ;)
like they said, ultrea 120 extreme, best cooler out right now

slap on a 19db noctua 120 mm fan for near silent cooling with better air flow than most fans rated for 25-30 db

had some noctuas on mine with a q9450 @ 4ghz and they worked just fine
I'm almost positive that B3 stepping Q6600s have an 85ºC TJ after much testing. Uncle Webb came up with the same results that I did and put that as the TJ in core temp. It's because a B3 Q6600 just uses 2 E6600 dies while a G0 Q6600 uses E6750 (downclocked) dies.
what makes you think 100 is correct?

It's the most excepted opinion on the web since no1 knows for 100% sure. So it's what I go by. I'd rather be safe than sorry. If I blindly accept RealTemps TJMax of 85°C and think my temps are now WAY less than they were and overclock like mad to 3.6ghz and a cpuv of 1.5 to get there and fry my chip, I would be hell'a pissed. I'll stick with 3.2 cause thats a nice o/c for a b3. And everything is stable except Prime. When it hits 70°C+ it crashes at least 1 core randomly. Nothing else crashes. Not a single app or game even gets close to the load that Prime does. So if I get a more effective cooler I should be golden at these speeds.

Now to improve the cooling on my 8800GTX..........hmmmmm.
Any1 else using the Vendetta 2 cooler?

So far its the Thermalright Ultra-120 vs the OCZ Vendetta 2. Both look like a good improvement vs my old Zalman.

I'll let this thread ride out a few more days be4 I make my decision.

Thanks to all who participate. ;)
If cost is not an issue, the Thermalright 120 can not be beat. They can be had for about $50 now...
If cost is not an issue, the Thermalright 120 can not be beat. They can be had for about $50 now...

And I do have a quiet, blue led, Antec 120mm fan for it already.......but the vendetta looks neat also. I need more input, "Johnny 5 need INPUT!!", be4 I make my decision.
FWIW, my TRUE black with a papbst 120mm fan kept my Q6600 at 3GHz around 47*C under load (90% cpu usage in prime - on four cores)... in a room that hovered around 78* F. If I was to have an air cooled machine now, without question I'd go with the TRUE. It's a quality product that performs well.