Very weird CPU usage problems...


Dec 7, 2003

For the past 12 hours or so, i've been having some major CPU related (i think?:confused: ) issues my computer. Simple everyday tasks like clicking a link in Firefox are now using 50% cpu usage. UnRARing a file now uses 100% CPU usage, when it would used to only take 20% (and it takes about 5-10 longer).

Joining a BF2 server is impossible. The map loads slowly, and then it sits there at verifying client data forever.

AMD Barton-core Athlon XP 2500 @ ~2.15 GHz with 1.725 vcore (with SI-97 & medium 92mm panaflo)
ABIT NF7-S rev 2
Sappire Radeon 9800 Pro 128mb (with Zalman VF400 AlCu running ~9800xt speeds)
80GB Western Digital 8mb cache HD
OCZ Powerstream 420W
BenQ DW1640 DVD burner
Idle is ~37C, Load is ~43C

I'm also experiencing lots of crackling from the onboard sound when the CPU load is greater than 40% or so. I've NEVER experienced this before.

I've reinstalled my ATI and nVIDIA drives (with driver cleaner - of course) to no avail. I've also tried stock CPU and videocard speeds.

This all seems to have started right after a 8 or 9 hr. nonstop BF2 fragfest last night.

The weird thing is I just tried running 3DMark01 w/ 2X and got a score of 16K, which is about right.

Anybody have any ideas before I give in and try a reformat? :p

Have you run a virus/spyware scan? Something like that could be hogging CPU cycles and you wouldn't even know it. Do a complete scan of each and see if anything comes up at all so that you can rule out that possibility of excess CPU usage....
evilcartman said:
Have you run a virus/spyware scan? Something like that could be hogging CPU cycles and you wouldn't even know it. Do a complete scan of each and see if anything comes up at all so that you can rule out that possibility of excess CPU usage....

crap, you're right. i'll do both right now. thanks for the idea.
Well, a quick spyware scan later, the problem seems to have dissapeared! :eek: I can't believe I forgot to do a virus/spyware scan, I feel like such a noob!