VEVO Still Serious About Youtube Video Content - Leads Industry


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
If you have ever watched a music video on Youtube, you have very likely have seen a video brought to you though VEVO's network as it controls a sizeable portion of that market since it is jointed owned by Universal Music Group and Sony Music Entertainment. VEVO's new policy amid all the advertiser craziness going on in the market will be to measure its videos "against a series of 21 categories to determine whether or not they are suitable for certain advertisers; including whether they contain references to drugs and alcohol, violence, nudity or explicit language." Below is an example of VEVO sanitized content...not really. Very likely NSFW.

Check out the video.

Yeah, I just wanted and excuse to post that it in hopes that it might brighten your Wednesday afternoon. After that video you might need 5 Minutes Alone.
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Fav band?

I knew it, Kyle is into Hippie music!
Those guys put on a hell of a live show. Have seen them in Ohio, Oklahoma, and a few times in Texas, of course. Big fat bastard is awesome.

Funny story: I was "backstage" at Rock on the Range (done some writing for VEVO the last couple of years - year before last did daily articles, but those are not online anymore) walking between stages, and I see a golf cart rolling up on us from about 50 yards away, and it is listing to one side like a ship about to go down. It is Big Dad Rich (THC lead singer) in the passenger seat. They drive like 1 foot away from side. So as they are getting close, I put up a high five and a "Great set, Big Dad!" as they come by. That fat bastard sticks his tree-like arm out to return the high five....but he GRABS my hand like he is going to hold on. I had a flash of terror come over me because he had a really good grip on me and all I thought that either my arm was about to yanked out of socket or I was getting drug a good ways. I yanked it the hell loose while I still had a tiny bit of slack. Metal note made: Don't high five folks that outweigh you by 250lbs and are moving at a brisk pace. Video below is fairly current and shows his size.

Fav band?

I knew it, Kyle is into Hippie music!

Here is an article I did that did not make the cut a couple of years ago for publication. Might be of interest to you if you are into today's metal.

Rock is Live and Rock is Life

Rock on the Range is the “super bowl” of rock festivals in North America. The hard rock community in Ohio made RotR happen over the last decade. You can look at it and say that it was corporations behind it that shaped it, but it is the truly passion of the fans that made it happen. How do I know that? Because I asked. Without the passion and the outpouring of emotion that the music evokes, RotR would have never happened and would have never continued..

Let’s address the elephant in the room. RotR is a business that would not be there if they did not make money. Capitalism at its finest, but if you have a problem with that business model you had best move to China or Russia. Do not think for one second that the people behind RotR do not have a passion for providing a great experience for the attendees. Do you really think they would put up with all the bullshit just for money. Quite frankly, there are easier ways to make money than dealing with metal fans.

We sat down with Clay Busch, one of the major coordinators behind RotR, and there is no doubt that he is concerned with serving up an experience that fully satisfies everyone that puts out their hard earned money for a ticket. And I think understands how much a ticket costs.. He absolutely owns that he is responsible for making sure that every person that buys a ticket leaves the gate feeling like they got more than their money’s worth. And he is not in an ivory tower, the brace on his wrist from making sure a surfer coming over the barricade landed safely is testament to that.

In the realm of metal and hard rock which is getting less and less air play, the RotR organizers are also taking the reigns as “tastemakers” in the genre, which is a big position in the industry. That tells me that there is a shift in power. Record companies used to be the “tastemakers.” Now it is a country boy named Clay, with a ginger beard and an incredibly personable demeanor. I am not sure I am good with this, but quite frankly the industry could have served up some far worse decisions. We just sat down with this “good ole boy” on a couch in a tent and he just proclaimed that he had more power in the metal and hard rock industry than the record labels and radio stations. When Clay said this to me I do not think he truly understood the magnitude of his words.. Then again, maybe he did. He basically proclaimed that he was commandeering an entire music genre that had been somewhat abandoned in a business sense. I am not sure I want him pointing the direction of hard rock and metal in the USA, but I totally feel his heart is in right place. He surely does understand the mantle he has taken up, and while he is a smart and passionate guy, he may have too many irons in the fire. His job is as close to perfectly orchestrated chaos that you have ever seen. When it comes to new talent, he is going to have his finger on the trigger of metal-America when it comes to firing unknown talents into what is targeted by hard rock fans. A lot of power is in the hands of Clay Busch. And possibly others, but this man has the passion to make it happen. And he is making it happen in a great way that is getting a lot of attention. And while I am unsure I like so much power in one individual, he surely seems to be doing a hell of a job at this moment in time. There are no sure things in life, and as a metal fan, I think I am fully behind Clay at this moment in time. GO CLAY!

Getting back to Ohio. Rock on the Range is tapping into a disenfranchised vein of America. This “generation” has been branded “millennials” but the younger-than-30 crowd that I am hanging with at RotR are anything but. They don’t give a damn about Starbucks, or iPhones, or man-buns. The people I have been hanging out with and rocking with for the last three days are the antithesis of Buzzfeed. If they have ever seen Buzzfeed or any shitty Gawker page it was because of a bullshit clickbait headline that they accidentally clicked on while looking at a webpage between helping their kids getting homework done and making sure dinner is paid for. The America that the media ignores is right here. They get very few releases, and they saved up for months to be here. For the big price of admission, they got to rock out for three days with some of the world’s best bands and forget their troubles. Cathartic? You are goddamn right. Thank you Clay Busch. I appreciate just being somewhere I can scream at the top of my lungs and the person next to me nods and throws up a couple of approving metal fingers.

The fact of the matter is that even if it just for three days, the folks alongside me feel a sense of recognition that is not being served up anywhere else. This one place we can matter and no judgment is passed. You want to wear some crazy shit, all good, it will just get you a nod of appreciation crazy bastard crowd surfing in a chicken costume with full feathers! You want to get your freak on and dress up like Deadpool, you will get nothing but high fives. One thing is for sure, no one in the world can take the feeling away that you get when you make it over the wall into the arms of that security guy that is only there to make sure you are safe after a perilous journey.

The “critics” has given up on heavy rock and metal calling it a dying genre, and Clay Busch has 40,000 fans out in cold rain on a Saturday afternoon having a damn good time. There is a feeling of unity and family here. You may catch a hard shoulder in a mosh pit, but you will damn sure that someone...someone you don’t know...someone you have never met in your life...that someone is going to lift you up and make sure you are safe. It is a brotherhood, and a sisterhood, and a community, with bonds that run deep.
Always wanted to make it to Rock on the Range but concerts aren’t my thing and never had a good chance to go (semi ironic being only about 4 hours from Columbus). Plus recent years the lineup has been hit and miss. This year the lineup looks great though. All tickets are sold out except phase 3 of stadium GA.

Good article though Kyle, and I work with a few guys that have gone. You’re right, they aren’t concerned with buzzfeed shit, they work hard and work overtime and provide for their families.
Good article though Kyle, and I work with a few guys that have gone. You’re right, they aren’t concerned with buzzfeed shit, they work hard and work overtime and provide for their families.
Thanks, I was proud of that article when I wrote, and now too. I sucked that it did not get published. Vevo was moving more towards pop and rap leaving metal behind, and I don't think they liked the liability of my opinion being on their website.
Thanks for that video. Only went to Texas once for a business conference in San Antonio but god damn was it a good time. Saw some great music and really want to make the trek back to austin, all my buddies in bands say its their favorite city when they tour the us.
this here Texas boy likes music a bit more like this..

(also the person that uploaded that ended up with the worst thumbnail.. hahah)

but yeah VEVO does seem to have a metric F*ck ton of the music on there..
So this is what happens when Billy Gibbons has a whiskey with Zakk Wylde (who doesn't drink anymore I believe) and form a metal band in Texas? Not bad.

How dare you write an article that allows rock and rollers and metal heads to sound like human beings. Fake news!!!!!!!!!

Nice article. And yeah, a lot of the younger straight shooters I interact with on a regular basis are into all sorts of music except what the record companies and weirdo executives are pushing.
I think THC is mostly a Pantera rip-off but in the age of shit music...I'll take it.
I think THC is mostly a Pantera rip-off but in the age of shit music...I'll take it.
Those guys are pretty open about that. The setting of that song is Vinny's Clubhouse and was filmed there too. The guy that runs THC"s security used to work for Dimebag.
Your way off when come to Hippie music more like Southern Metal wow never know Kyle like this stuff

I think you missed the corny joke. They have hippie in their band name.

Now stop fighting it and just close your eyes and picture Kyle with long straight hair, wearing tie dye shirts and bellbottoms, giving out flowers to the passersby
Yeah, it is what it is. The music is good but it's just not quite the same as hearing "Walk" or "5 Minutes Alone". Especially "Walk" , damn, what a great tune. Walk on home, boy:)

Cool facts though, explains the similarity and I didn't know all of that.
Here is Dimebag's security guy. He worked with Dimebag up until about a month before Dimebag was killed in Ohio. The day this picture was taken was the anniversary of his Dimebag's death. Had a good conversation with the guy about the whole ordeal. :(

I'm still impressed Garth Brooks has been able to remove all his music videos from YouTube with such success.

Music videos are an untapped market. So many people want to watch them and would probably pay for them just like songs. Yet most of them are very poor quality. Some of it is probably that older music videos were not treated with the same production respect that a real show or movie gets so 480p or worse may very well be as good a master copy as exists.

iTunes is ok at selling music videos. But seriously, we need some 1080p music videos. If they were shot on 35mm, we should get something better than horrible DVD transfers from 15 years ago.