VFD as a news ticker?


[H]is Modness
Mar 16, 2000
I'm a complete newbie when it comes to VFD's so if anyone can answer this, that'd be great. I'd like to have a VFD display news site feeds like cnn, fox, digg, etc. I've seen a few VFD's that can do it through cat5 connections but is it possible to have it through USB instead? Can any VFD be programmed to do receive the feeds?

Another question is, who sells VFD's that are longer than the regular bay sized ones? I'm looking for one that is 6" or longer.
Well what it shows is based on the software. LCDsmartie I know has support for RSS feeds and stuff.

As for the interface... I can't think of any that uses a Cat5 but I know the majority uses either Parallel or Serial, and some expensive (~100) vfds include usb interfaces.
You might want to take a look at matrix orbital and other vfd/lcd display sellers to see whats out there.
Next time you go to Meijers or K-Mart, yank one of their VFD displays that shows you the prices as they ring you up. :p Then hook a Serial-->USB adapter on it. lol... or you can just buy one from those Point Of Sale online sites. They run around 150 bux. You can mod it from there to work.
Matrix orbital is the only one I've found with anything remotely close to what I'm looking for. I'd still like to find a VFD the size of a standard ruler though.

awdark said:
Well what it shows is based on the software. LCDsmartie I know has support for RSS feeds and stuff.

As for the interface... I can't think of any that uses a Cat5 but I know the majority uses either Parallel or Serial, and some expensive (~100) vfds include usb interfaces.
You might want to take a look at matrix orbital and other vfd/lcd display sellers to see whats out there.
Check out the forums at lcdstudio.com and lcdinfo.com. I know that Henri at lcdinfo has built some USB interface boards... Either way, they can definitely point you in the right direction
Check ebay for bigger VFD's with 40 character rows, i see them a lot.
If you plan to use Smartie; there are some 'universal' USB piggybacks for HD44780 displays.
MO's USB VFD's can do RSS with their LCDC software.
I guess I was thinking graphical displays... sorry

Futurlec sells 40x2 and 40x4 char raw LCDs, as does MatrixOrbital and CrystalFontz. The biggest one I see with a USB interface though is at a 20x2 and 20x4 char LED at CrystalFontz.

Of course, if you can get one to work on a RS232 serial port, there are serial-to-USB adapters out there...
I have a Matrix Orbital VK204-usb and i use it as a stock ticker. I simply use LcdSmartie. it does everything for me.