VFD Recommendations


Limp Gawd
Feb 24, 2004
So for my new build I wanted to add a VFD/LCD but I'm kind of stuck as to which one to get. I want to use it mostly for monitoring my CPU/GPU temps but also to diplay some media information and possibly cpu usage. The one I've been looking at is this Matrix Orbital Typhoon GX:


Are there any other VFD/LCD's I should be looking at? One catch is that it will not be mounted in the case but about 3 feet away near my monitor.

Also, it's been a while since I regularly monitored temps. Is MBM still good to use? I also heard about coretemp and Everest(sp?). I would like to be able to display it on the VFD.

Thanks in advance!!
I've got the Typhoon, and it's an awesome display. I would definitely give it a hearty thumbs up.

The software that comes with the display, is LcdStudio. It's pretty simple to use, and can get temp information from most of the big monitoring apps, like MBM, Everest, Rivatuner, Speedfan, etc. It'll also pull info from your own system.
Cool. hanks for the heads up.

BTW, love the Rogue your working on at the moment.
Thanks, and no problem!

Say, are you running Vista? If so, the Media Center Remote adds some pretty cool functions to the Typhoon display. I bought one with my Typhoon, and find I'm actually going to use it more than I thought.
I've got a VL display that does text. It works pretty well, but the software does take up a few more CPU cycles than I would like.
I've got one of the tri-color typhoon gx displays, it's very customizable. Has a mini-usb connector on the back and a floppy power connection, so should be easy to add into an external enclosure.
I've got one of the tri-color typhoon gx displays, it's very customizable. Has a mini-usb connector on the back and a floppy power connection, so should be easy to add into an external enclosure.

All you need to power the display, is the USB connection...