VG278H + strobelight = green sparkles?


Jun 29, 2001
Just started running in to this issue and not quite sure what is going on, so I am curious to see if anyone else has had this happen and can confirm what I think is going on.

Rig is in my sig for complete specs

I just recently started seeing green sparkles show up at random times on my display. I think this might be due to using ToastyX's Strobelight beta. I have to try tonight to remove everything off uninstall drivers and revert everything back to the way it was to confirm though.

I thought at first maybe my video card was going out but I do not get the artifacts in screen grabs. So I next though maybe my cable was not seated right or the connectors had some oxidization or etc.. I replaced the dual link DVI cable, tried different DVI ports and still randomly it pops up.

Now this did not happen at all in games... until recently. Here was a quick pic I took with my phone



So, anyone else seen this?
The strobing is just the backlight, so it shouldn't affect the state of the subpixels to cause that to happen. I tried the strobelight mod before on my own VG278HE and the problems it caused for me outweighed the advantages (I think it even killed one of my video cards...), so I uninstalled it.
what I was thinking was possibly the 121Hz it installs and tries to run at... wasn't quite sure. Or possibly it causing issues on the monitor side some other way.

After I get everything set back to stock I'll be curious to see what happens

what issues did you run in to that killed a card?
oddly enough after 2 hours... no sparkles. I'll report back again later lol
i got those artifacts when i OC'd my Qnix past 96hz last year. along with some horizontal tearing and random colors with the pixels, green was particularly prominent, though.
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Faulty unit possibly. I get weird artifacts when I attempt to overclock my GPU as well. Might want to try downclocking the GPU see if that has any effect just to rule it out.
what I was thinking was possibly the 121Hz it installs and tries to run at... wasn't quite sure. Or possibly it causing issues on the monitor side some other way.

After I get everything set back to stock I'll be curious to see what happens

what issues did you run in to that killed a card?
After first installng the utility and setting it up, I started playing Tomb Raider. After two minutes there was a pop with my computer locking up, and after rebooting Windows no longer recognized the card with an error code 63 signifying hardware failure. The card, a GTX 780, had been running flawlessly with everything I threw at it for two weeks. The ULMB mod was the only thing that was changed before the card blew up. After the RMA I was reluctant to try the mod again, but even in those 2 minutes I could see the benefits. But after awhile I would occasionally get frozen frames every so often. Fearing another hardware failure I uninstalled it and never used it again. Beyond those issues I think the loss of color definition even after recalibrating the display was too much that it affected my overall enjoyment of playing games in a more negative way than the positives of low motion blur with this particular monitor.
I went several hours last night with no green sparkles after removing strobelight off, and reverting all settings back to normal. going to give it a few days and see if it pops back up, if not then I will re-download strobelight and set it all up again to test and see if it returns.
grrr... stupid sparkles are back

ok that rules out strobelight... just started happening not too long after I started using it

temps on card right now are 36c... so not temp related, GPU clocks are at 324MHz and 987mem so not clocked too low.

since this isnt captured in screen caps it puzzles me a bit.
actually didn't realize that I left the settings in for stroblight... Do'H

I switched out with this korean 2560x1440 display for a while and no green sparkles. Cleaned everything out the best I could this morning and put the Asus monitor back on with the updated nvidia drivers so I'll see how it goes.

at least I ruled out the video card in the mean time.