Vice President Had No Involvement In MegaUpload Bust

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Responding to allegations that the vice president orchestrated the raid on MegaUpload, the U.S. Attorney's office says the VP had no involvement whatsoever. That meeting with all those CEOs from the entertainment industry? That was just lunch with his pals. ;)

"There was no White House involvement in the decision to charge this case," wrote the office of Neil MacBride, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, in an brief e-mail to CNET. MacBride is the man who filed a criminal indictment against DotCom on January 5.
If it turns out that they weren't showering with money that leaves us with a rather more disturbing reality... Sexual favors :eek::(
Of course the White House wasn't involved. And Google isn't profiling everything its users are doing, the Earth isn't round, naked molerats are only naked because they're trying to make the world's largest rodent nudist colony, and Millennium Falcon can make the Kessel Run in twelve parsecs.
Google shot first! :p

I put the Google thing first to add credibility to the round Earth claim since there are some people out there who may not have heard about that and they'd be like, "Pfft! Stupid Skribbel saying the Eart is round!" Instead, they read about Google and I already have them nodding in agreement before they even get to that part. :D
I put the Google thing first to add credibility to the round Earth claim since there are some people out there who may not have heard about that and they'd be like, "Pfft! Stupid Skribbel saying the Eart is round!" Instead, they read about Google and I already have them nodding in agreement before they even get to that part. :D

Wait wait wait wait wait you're telling me the Millennium Falcon can't make the Kessel Run in twelve parsecs?!
Wait wait wait wait wait you're telling me the Millennium Falcon can't make the Kessel Run in twelve parsecs?!

You're right, that is a bit far-fetched to think that it can't make it in twelve parsecs. Um...go read it again and just stop after the part about the naked mole rats.
Of course the vice president didn't have a part in it. Even tough he is related to the media industry, they have funded his past campaigns and he regularly meet with the top management for dinners/golf/other activities, he had nothing to do with it. He would have been really stupid to be involved directly. That's why politicians have offices full of staff. So in the event of something going wrong, they can blame someone else.

In other news, Bush war on Iraq had nothing to do with the oil industry and his previous work and stock holding in Haliburton also had nothing to do with such company getting most of the post-war contracts in Iraq.

You're joking. That's not a's a kind of fish!

What a crock of shit.
Nothing but criminals in this government. Whats the point of prisons if we aren't putting the people that need to be there, in there?
I will say it AGAIN anyone bother to FACT CHECK fatty's statements all you have to do is get the white house meetings log. Wait no one bothered to do that then please STFU.
I will say it AGAIN anyone bother to FACT CHECK fatty's statements all you have to do is get the white house meetings log. Wait no one bothered to do that then please STFU.

I'll stop by there after lunch and do a quick check.
Of course the White House wasn't involved. And Google isn't profiling everything its users are doing, the Earth isn't round, naked molerats are only naked because they're trying to make the world's largest rodent nudist colony, and Millennium Falcon can make the Kessel Run in twelve parsecs.

The first result says it isn't! :eek:

Of course the White House wasn't involved. And Google isn't profiling everything its users are doing, the Earth isn't round, naked molerats are only naked because they're trying to make the world's largest rodent nudist colony, and Millennium Falcon can make the Kessel Run in twelve parsecs.

Isn't a Parsec a measurement of distance?

But yeah the other stuff is true:p

And the sun rotates around the earth, earth is the center of the universe in all it's wonderful flat glory.
Isn't a Parsec a measurement of distance?

But yeah the other stuff is true:p

And the sun rotates around the earth, earth is the center of the universe in all it's wonderful flat glory.

The flat Earth thing really goes to show how dumb and manipulated people can be. You know certain higher ups back in the day knew it wasn't flat but told people that anyways (wasn't Galileo imprisoned by the Catholic church for saying the Earth was round?)...not to mention the fact that people were so dumb they couldn't take the time to realize that if the Earth was flat then how the fuck would you still have water in the oceans?

I've come to the conclusion that the general dumbed downed society and people in general isn't caused by the government and media outlets...its just how people are. I mean, I'm no super genius by any means, but the number of people I've met twice my age that are complete idiots really makes me notice how shitty our species on the whole really is.
Isn't a Parsec a measurement of distance?

But yeah the other stuff is true:p

And the sun rotates around the earth, earth is the center of the universe in all it's wonderful flat glory.

yes it is Solo skirted a black hole there by cutting some distance off the run
no joke its in the novels
The first result says it isn't! :eek:

Google LIES! It's all some secret RIAA/MPAA plot to convince you that the planet is circular so that you legally obtain more Miley Cyrus music and buy the digital remasters of stuff you've seen before!

Isn't a Parsec a measurement of distance?

Not according to Hahn Solo!

The flat Earth thing really goes to show how dumb and manipulated people can be. You know certain higher ups back in the day knew it wasn't flat but told people that anyways (wasn't Galileo imprisoned by the Catholic church for saying the Earth was round?)...not to mention the fact that people were so dumb they couldn't take the time to realize that if the Earth was flat then how the fuck would you still have water in the oceans?

There's big mountain ranges at the edges to keep the water from dripping off the sides.

I've come to the conclusion that the general dumbed downed society and people in general isn't caused by the government and media outlets...its just how people are. I mean, I'm no super genius by any means, but the number of people I've met twice my age that are complete idiots really makes me notice how shitty our species on the whole really is.

Who would smarter people exploit if there weren't stupid people around?
It's very easy for me to imagine Joe Biden not having much involvement in anything...
RIAA/MPAA have a straight line to the DoJ, why would Bidden even get involved? With lobbyists owning most of DC there is no need for VP to be in the mix. This whole thing is just a red herring thrown out by numb nuts dotcom to muddy the waters.
I already knew the thing about the mole rats! Old news duh!

Those Naked Mole Rats really know how to party!!

You owe me a sarcasm meter, as you just exploded mine.

lol, mine too. I used to be a republican; then there was bush...

What a crock of shit.
Nothing but criminals in this government. Whats the point of prisons if we aren't putting the people that need to be there, in there?

The problem is that the prisons are one of the corporations they've been passing BS laws to fill.
Also, how bad would the jobs situation be if the ~25% of our population that's in prison was out? :facepalm:

The flat Earth thing really goes to show how dumb and manipulated people can be.)...not to mention the fact that people were so dumb they couldn't take the time to realize that if the Earth was flat then how the fuck would you still have water in the oceans?

There's big mountain ranges at the edges to keep the water from dripping off the sides.

It worked for the Ringworld. :)
Anyway, If it weren't for the mountain ranges, you'd be able to see the turtle...'Tuin#Great_A.27Tuin

Seriously, this is Joe Biden we're talkin' about. I'm sure he was asking "So how many guys did this 'Kim Dotcom' kill that we should extradite him?"

They showed him a 30 second excerpt of him camping a pop-in in MW, and his global ranking, and that was enough for him; obviously anyone who plays violent video games is a terrorist, and must be stopped.

(Then a cute blonde girl gave him a puppy: "Puppy!")
Also, how bad would the jobs situation be if the ~25% of our population that's in prison was out? :facepalm:

How did you get that from my post?
At first its like you agree, but this sentence confused me. You are absolutely correct about prisons being big business here in the US.
The flat Earth thing really goes to show how dumb and manipulated people can be. You know certain higher ups back in the day knew it wasn't flat but told people that anyways (wasn't Galileo imprisoned by the Catholic church for saying the Earth was round?)...not to mention the fact that people were so dumb they couldn't take the time to realize that if the Earth was flat then how the fuck would you still have water in the oceans?

Well, maybe they thought the Earth was sort of a fountain flat thing, the water falls somewhere, then is pumped back to the ocean. A perfect closed system.

I've come to the conclusion that the general dumbed downed society and people in general isn't caused by the government and media outlets...its just how people are. I mean, I'm no super genius by any means, but the number of people I've met twice my age that are complete idiots really makes me notice how shitty our species on the whole really is.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your view or if you hold Apple stocks), people are stupid.
Google LIES! It's all some secret RIAA/MPAA plot to convince you that the planet is circular so that you legally obtain more Miley Cyrus music and buy the digital remasters of stuff you've seen before!
Man, you're being unfair to the RIAA/MPAA. This one is on the Book Publishers. So they can continue selling Bibles, eventough statistics say that everyone should have at least 2 of them at home (some people compensate atheists).

Not according to Hahn Solo!
You see, that was the first case of bs marketing in galaxy far,far away...Wonder if he hired the same guy that did "I'm a Mac" comercial...

There's big mountain ranges at the edges to keep the water from dripping off the sides.
Well, all medievals map and legends tell about a huge waterfall at the end of the ocean (and there was a documentary - called Pirates of the Caribbean - that showed it)

Who would smarter people exploit if there weren't stupid people around?
Thank the gods for the gullible and stupid. Without them, no IT support system would ever be necessary.
Election year, Pres and Vice Pres don't want people upset with them, don't want to ruffle the feathers of the younger generation that offer potential votes.
The flat Earth thing really goes to show how dumb and manipulated people can be. You know certain higher ups back in the day knew it wasn't flat but told people that anyways (wasn't Galileo imprisoned by the Catholic church for saying the Earth was round?)...not to mention the fact that people were so dumb they couldn't take the time to realize that if the Earth was flat then how the fuck would you still have water in the oceans?

I've come to the conclusion that the general dumbed downed society and people in general isn't caused by the government and media outlets...its just how people are. I mean, I'm no super genius by any means, but the number of people I've met twice my age that are complete idiots really makes me notice how shitty our species on the whole really is.

Ok, and when was gravity discovered? :D
Every time I read or hear about someone doing something incredibly stupid I just say to myself, "remember, they're humans," and it all makes sense again.

Sure, sure...keep rubbing our faces in the burning bird thing. I'm just saying, I'd like to see what happens when you try to incubate eggs. If they're not hard boiled in 10 minutes, I'd be impressed. :p
White house doesn't have to authorize anything. That would be too obvious. They can just bring the right people together to meet and things just happen.