Video Card For 1920x1200 (The Best)


Limp Gawd
Oct 12, 2007
Ive been going back and forth on exactly what card to get for my system. I currently own a 8800GT, but its starting to show age as I'm not able to turn on AA in most games if I want maximum eye candy. I want the best for my res, I have a pet peeve in that if I cant run a game at max settings, I feel Im missing all the game has to offer, and if I cant get the full effect of the game, I dont play them. ( never played crysis )
Anyway, I was thinking of getting a 4870X2, which will future proof me for the next year of games probably, but people are saying its overkill for my res. Whats the best card for my res with maximum eye candy with AA/AF. Im thinking that if I bought a 260 or a 4870 now, by the time a game comes out that taxes that, a new card will be out, and I wont ever have to buy the "best" card. But I also dont know if a 260 or 4870 will run Farcry 2, stalker, fallout 3 with max settings + AA/AF. The 4870X2 seems so tempting, but I dont want to waste money if I can get something half the price and get the same performance at 1920x1200. Help is appreciated.

PS : Am I the only one with this dilemma?
i think your best bet is GTX280, 4870x2 IMO is only meant for those 30" LCD gamers
Gaming with the GTX 280 is usually silky smooth on max settings @ 1920x1200. I'd recommend it, too.
The X2 is meant for anyone who wants great performance -- at any resolution. Neither the X2 nor the GTX 280 absolutely decimate every current-gen game with boatloads of AA, and there's always some degree of "IQ headroom". Until you're running supersampling and with filtering optimizations disabled on the 280, for instance, you haven't truly maxed out the IQ.

The best card for any resolution is always the best card you can afford. Whether that makes sense from a cost/benefit perspective is an entirely different debate.

I don't think the X2 is a waste of money at 19x12. Not at all.
No, you aren't the only one. I just went with the 4870 x2 instead of the GTX 280 even though I only have a 24" LCD. The way I see it, I'd rather spend the extra $150 now as insurance that I won't be kicking myself in 3 months than save today and hope for the best. If I have too much power I'll just up the AA. :)
Ive been going back and forth on exactly what card to get for my system. I currently own a 8800GT, but its starting to show age as I'm not able to turn on AA in most games if I want maximum eye candy. I want the best for my res, I have a pet peeve in that if I cant run a game at max settings, I feel Im missing all the game has to offer, and if I cant get the full effect of the game, I dont play them. ( never played crysis )
Anyway, I was thinking of getting a 4870X2, which will future proof me for the next year of games probably, but people are saying its overkill for my res. Whats the best card for my res with maximum eye candy with AA/AF. Im thinking that if I bought a 260 or a 4870 now, by the time a game comes out that taxes that, a new card will be out, and I wont ever have to buy the "best" card. But I also dont know if a 260 or 4870 will run Farcry 2, stalker, fallout 3 with max settings + AA/AF. The 4870X2 seems so tempting, but I dont want to waste money if I can get something half the price and get the same performance at 1920x1200. Help is appreciated.

PS : Am I the only one with this dilemma?

not at all. I am in the very same boat, I like all my eye candy but the 4870X2 is just a little too much for my screen, it doesn't do that much better at 2.3mp then other options. and right now people are sell it for more then the MSRP. I missed two good deals today due to mediacoms crappy service. I will probably jump on the next really good deal. wish they had that crossfire special with the 4850 back
I'd have to recommend the 4870x2 just for future proofing. At worst with it, you'll get 4870 performance, which is reasonably close to the 280GTX. At best, you'll crush the 280GTX. The difference between these two outcomes is largely driver dependent.

Games that are coming out in the near future will certainly have good driver support for the 4870x2...
Don't worry about overkill, buy the best you can afford. The best single slot card right now is the 4870x2 so go for it.
I am much the same, I have a 24" trinitron and run all of my games at 1920x1200 (sure, I can downsize the resolution at no cost, but I don't want to ;) ) If I can't run AF and at least 2x AA (4x+ preferably,) then I get caught up in seeing all the jaggies and don't enjoy the game as much as I think I should. The same thing goes if the frames drop below 30fps, it gets stuttery and it annoys me. For these reasons I haven't played Crysis either yet, heck I haven't even gotten as far through Oblivion as I should (after it's all modded out the way I want it to, it dips below 30fps in some areas and bugs me.)

I'm trying to decide between the 4870x2 and GTX280 as well. I'm still reading through all of the reviews...on some reviews, the two cards are similar at 1920x1200, on others the 4870x2 comes up on top (most of the time.) The 4870x2 seems to be the obvious choice, but...

Here's a GTX280 for $429 with a $30 MIR. That's significantly cheaper than even the cheapest 4870x2 offerings that are actually in stock. There was another that was even cheaper, but it's out of stock now.

Decisions decisions...of course, if one were to wait a few more weeks (yet again) for the 4850x2 to hit, I'm thinking that it will probably shake up the prices a bit. That, and the 55nm GTX280 refresh.
I would recommend waiting until the Nvidia gt200b refresh drops first, I hear there's a good chance Nvidia will unveil it at Nvision 08 starting August 25, although its all rumor at this point but it should be released in the next month or so at the latest most of us would think. Also Ati should be releasing at least a new driver in this time period so maybe some performance gains could paint an even better picture of its performance, and the price should hopefully have dropped to around $500 in a month as well. The problem with the 4870x2 vs the 280 gtx at 1920x1200 is its winning in alot of games that the gtx is already getting well over 60fps in (granted this is without any AA enabled in many scenarios) and pretty much every computer lcd can only go to 60hz anyway so you wont be getting the extra peformance benefits at this time anyway. At 2560x1600 it's a totally different story of course and the 4870x2 is the no brainer card to get. Plus there's the issue that the 4870x2 is a dual gpu card so there may be crossfire issues with some games down the road, but with the gt200b you wouldnt have to worry about that. I say it all comes down to how competitively Nvidia prices the new card. But yea I'd say just sit tight and wait a couple weeks imo. If you're looking to get max details in all games with smooth fps except ultra high in crysis both the 280 and 4870x2 are both up to the task. If you really must have AA to the max then its gotta be the 4870x2.
one of the issues I am having is that its possible to get a couple of 4870 cheaper then one 4870X2. That just makes no sense to me given no performance diffence between 512 and 1gb. If I had an SLI board the 260 is nice but not as it is. too many problems with the GTX280, needs a die shrink. then again at 2.3mp its hard to justify a 4870X2
I don't see how you can justify buying a 280 right now. Unless you really love the crysis engine.
You don't have to have a 30" to realize the power of an X2. I would go with the 4870x2 for longevity myself. Sure a GTX280 will play everything out there today extremely well , but if you want to be as future proof as possible you can't have too much "overkill" as far as I'm concerned. Games will only get more complex and therefore require more performance at lower resolutions.
I have a 37" LCD, but its only 1920 x 1080.

You can bet that i'm getting a 4870x2 for it rather then a gtx 280.
i went with the 4870x2 , currently on the way just for futureproofing too. I was a little hesitant due to multi-gpu potential issues, but i'm being optimistic for now.
i went with the 4870x2 , currently on the way just for futureproofing too. I was a little hesitant due to multi-gpu potential issues, but i'm being optimistic for now.

Oh and i have a 26" doublesight running at 1920x1200
what about just plain 4870 ? i'm on same boat too ..can't buy 4870x2 as its too expensive ...can 4870 can do the business?
The 4870 is the best bang for the buck right now if you are gaming at 1920*1200.
4870X2 being meant for 30" is bull. a Single 4870 isn't enough for many games at 1920x1200 if you really want everything on the highest setting, AA etc and it's not like new games are going to be less demanding. I'm not saying that the 4870 isn't a good buy for 24" gaming and it probably is the best bang for your buck, but 4870X2 is not just for 30".
I had GTX 280 , SLI GTX 260 and now i have 4870X2 , i would say go with GTX 280 if you can get it around 370$

i am with 24" and even 260 managed to give me absolutely decent FPS on the game that i play COD4 multi. So if you dont wanna spend lot of cash thats the way to go for 245$ with MIR from newegg.
have you guys even looked at reviews? the 4870x2 is a good card for 1920x1200 and is not really overkill for demanding games like Crysis especially if you want tons of AA/AF. the 4850x2 might be the better bang for buck card at that res when it comes out next month if you can wait. personally if I had the money and wanted a card right now for 1920 it would be the 4870x2.
I don't think the 4870x2 is necessarily the best bang for the buck currently for the 1920x1200 crowd, especially since tigerdirect and newegg prices are hovering in the $569 range. I will say that if you hopped on the best buy deal, at 469.99, the 4870x2 is the best bang for the buck, especially if you got some reward points or some gift cards handy :cool:

For 1920x1200 I'd stick with a 4870...or better yet wait for the 4870 1GB version to come out. GTX260 or GTX280 would be a good option as well. I myself went with the 4870x2 even though I do have a 24 inch monitor..that way I can crank up the AA.