Video card for 24" monitor; non gamer


Dec 19, 2005
I am putting the final touches on the GF's new computer. I have been gathering parts for a long time. The build will be:
DFI Expert
2 or 3 gigs of Corsair XMS
Audigy 2 gamer
PC Power & Cooling Silencer 750
Raptor 150
some other larger harddrive, or 2, or 3.
Plextor DVD burner.

My question is, what video card should I choose? She does not play games at all, well that isn't completely true, but I don't count Bubble Bobble as a game. I need the video card to push 1900 X 1200, she will probably be getting my 24 inch Soyo when I upgrade to a different monitor. I want a decent video card that isn't too expensive and fairly future proof. She will be running windows XP home or pro, I haven't decided which yet.
Thanks in advance!

Edit: I am looking for something in the 30-100$ range.
8800 GT or 8800 GTS for the best bang for your buck.
If you don't play "ANY" games then you should be able to pick up any mid-range card that will support WS monitors at 19x12. Would it make any difference? The ATI 2600 and the Nvidia 8600 come to mind...
yeah non gamer/very light gaming 8500 or 8600, if you do some gaming 8800GT, GTS or even the 9600GT on the upper end.
OP I'm confused. She does no gaming yet all the other components are high-end gear that you would only really need for gaming or overclocking. Seems like a lot of overkill for bbbble bobble :)
just get a cheap 8400GS and be done with it.. if there are no games there is no need to [H] it up :p
OP I'm confused. She does no gaming yet all the other components are high-end gear that you would only really need for gaming or overclocking. Seems like a lot of overkill for bbbble bobble :)


yeah like wtf? what are u putin all that gear in a facebook machine :D if i saw somebody using hardware like that just to use facebook.. id stab them in the skull :D
She will be running windows XP home or pro

Vista x64 Home Premium... you should be shot

new machine... new OS... simple concept..

dump the sound card.. you wont need it for movies..

get rid of the raptor... no resolution on earth needs that sort of speed

get rid of the aftermarket cpu cooler.. no overclocking.. no need better cooling unless maybe if its a quadcore... maybe...

get a cheaper board if you need a lot of HDDS get GA-P35-DS3R
When I read it, I had the feeling that those were left over componets from past builds he has made.

You can't run over to newegg and by a FX60, that DFI board, and a Plextor. This is old stuff, and I doubt he is dead set on buying it on eBay either.

EDIT: well I guess you can still get the plextor, but why would you?
When I read it, I had the feeling that those were left over componets from past builds he has made.

You can't run over to newegg and by a FX60, that DFI board, and a Plextor. This is old stuff, and I doubt he is dead set on buying it on eBay either.

EDIT: well I guess you can still get the plextor, but why would you?

gaspah Gawd, 11 Months

Originally Posted by trinibwoy View Post
OP I'm confused. She does no gaming yet all the other components are high-end gear that you would only really need for gaming or overclocking. Seems like a lot of overkill for bbbble bobble

yeah like wtf? what are u putin all that gear in a facebook machine if i saw somebody using hardware like that just to use facebook.. id stab them in the skull

Not a face book machine, just one to get online and check the bank statements, plus do a little surfing, the occasional Bubble Bobble game, and a few MS document creations in there for fun.

All that hardware is stuff I have bought over the past 2 years and then never used.
I have a brand new FX-60, DFI expert, and a Zalman 9500. All that is going into her computer. I figure it has been gathering dust for 1-2 years, so it is about time to put it in a machine.

The raptor and soundcard are slightly used from my last build, and the build previous to that, respectively. I still have a perfectly good p4 3.0 and a P4P800 E deluxe, and a 6800 ultra that will eventually go to my mom.

I also have a 4800+ and anther zalman 9500, plus a basic 939 motherboard and a A8N32 just laying around too. I have no idea what I am going to do with those, I may just make a linux box out of them for fun.

Vista x64 Home Premium... you should be shot

new machine... new OS... simple concept..

dump the sound card.. you wont need it for movies..

get rid of the raptor... no resolution on earth needs that sort of speed

get rid of the aftermarket cpu cooler.. no overclocking.. no need better cooling unless maybe if its a quadcore... maybe...

get a cheaper board if you need a lot of HDDS get GA-P35-DS3R

Lets see, vista, no thanks. EVER. I always put lots of hard drives and dual dvd burns in my builds, just to fill up the bay slots. Just check out my sig for my current build. (5) 500 gig HD's in it, plus a raptor. I like filling up drive bays.

I think i will check out the 8400, 8500, and 8600 series and go with an evga or bfg model. Thanks.
You could probably sell the fx 60 and the mobo on ebay and just build a newer machine. Check ebay on the what the fx 60 are going for, I believe they go for around $200 or so.
But why?? I have all this gear, and don't need the hassle of ebaying it. Plus I never sell any thing I buy, that is why I have so many older parts. Thanks though for the suggestion.