Video Card For 2407WFP


Jun 3, 2004
Well my new monitor is on the way and I was curious.......

Will my 2 7800's drive this monitor well enough to play games or should I just go ahead and order an 8800GTX right now???:cool:

Also if I go with the 8800 should I buy one of the overclocked cards or just buy the "base" card and overclock it myself??
I'm running a Gateway 24" LCD with two 7800 GTX's in SLI mode and things are quite nice to me.

I'd say try it before you spend the extra money.
I ran CS:S on that monitor with a 7800GT SLI setup just fine, and WOW seemed to chug a bit, but I didnt turn the settings down at all, just upped the res to 1920X1200 and it ran ok, but definately seemed to have some slowdowns.\

I am running an 8800GTS 640 now and nothing seems to slow down at all.
Same as above.. I'm running 8800gts 640 @stock and wow and supreme commander look amazing on my 2407wfp
Dude if your two 7800's can't drive a 24 inch display, I'd like to know what sorta cracked up drivers you're running on, or what the hell game you're playing that's bogging them down that hard.
Your two 7800 cards should do a good job with most current titles, although upgrading to a single 8800 GTX or a top-line R600/HD 2900 (when it comes out) will provide considerably more umph than you current setup.

I'd try your current setup now and see how it turns out. If you're dissatisfied, then wait at least until the ATIs are out, then pickup the best option (which may be the 8800 GTX if it drops in price.) If you upgrade, I wouldn't recommend anything less than a GTX (or ATI's equivalent) for a 24 incher.

Dude if your two 7800's can't drive a 24 inch display, I'd like to know what sorta cracked up drivers you're running on, or what the hell game you're playing that's bogging them down that hard.

"Dude" I was asking if people thought that they "would"....I never said they couldn't.

Sam would you say that 14118 in 3dMark05 is a decent score? If you think that is a fairly good score I should tell you that Company of Heroes @1680x1050 using 4xAA & 8xAF can pound my cards pretty I figured at 1920 x 1200 they make take an even worse beating.
I don't really pay attention to 3DMark scores. But I will say that Company of Heroes is not light on the graphics work, at least for me. I know that from running a 7600GT and it takes a beating on that game at anything higher than 1280x1024, but then again I'm also running full eyecandy and I think my stock E6300 is a bottleneck. So that would make sense, somewhat.

Still, outside of hard-hitters, I run older games just fine on my own 2407. On the flipside, I have a friend who runs his two 8800's in SLI on a quad core rig, and he's said the only game that hits him hard is Supreme Commander.

If I were you I'd at least wait until ATI's 'answer' to the 8800GTX comes out and make a decision then, since it seems to be gaining more coverage.