Video card for COD2


Oct 5, 2005
Looking to upgrade friends video card to play COD 2, but I can't find any benchmarks. Who card plays COD 2 better nvidia or Ati. Anyone have a link they can post of benchmarks. I was looking to spend $200 agp, so x800pro, x800gto or 6800nu.
Intel_Inside said:
Dunno, but mine owns :D
ya, thats not helpful. Are there any review of COD 2 with benchmarks? I tried to search for some on the web and came up empty.
i ran a 6800nu and ran @ 1024 no eye candy med/low settings and thats the only way i could get decent framerates.

6800gt 1024 med/ high settings and i got fairly decent framerates

x800gto2 ran a little faster than the 6800nu

x850xt 1280 high settings noaa 4af.

x1800xl on the way, wont be to fair becuse im not on the amd64 anymore. i went to a pentium d. if i remember i will let you know.

cod2 demo was a killer on my systems. i was happy with what i had untill that game hit me.
if your really looking to run everything on high i dont think theres anything under 200. maybe if he would spend a hundered dollars more he could score a 7800gt at newegg w/cod2 and a lifetime warranty, i think todays the last day for the deal
To give you an idea, a 6800 runs it just over 30 FPS at all high settings on 1027 X 768, also the ram usage is extremely high, got up to 1.2 GB on my sys.
Get the one with the best price, all 3 of them should do well.
with a 6800gt with all settings on high accept instead of 4xaa i have 2xaa at 1280x1024 its great. i have an 19"lcd so my res doesnt go any higher. fps hovers around 50 or so in multiplayer
The 6800nu works pretty well for my friend. Definitely recommended but get the 256mb version and not the 128mb version.
GFreeman9 said:
The 6800nu works pretty well for my friend. Definitely recommended but get the 256mb version and not the 128mb version.

Is there a 256mb 6800 AGP version anyways ?
I played the demo with my 9800Pro and it played OK. No AA though. Just for kicks I tried it with my old 8500LE. This was at 1280x768. I didn't notice a difference in speed at all. COD is a lite weight. It even runs on exteme graphics on my laptop.
COD2 is the only game I have ever played that I concider unplayable (fps), Doom3, Quake4, F.E.A.R all ran resonably, yet it does not, it certainly doesn't look any better that the previously mentioned games so I recon it's poorly coded.

Aside from the fact that they removed the health bar, running, 3rd fun, with crappy crosshairs, and rougher controls, I am fairly anoyyed at it cuase I loved COD and UO, played online for like a year too.
puppyfriend said:
I played the demo with my 9800Pro and it played OK. No AA though. Just for kicks I tried it with my old 8500LE. This was at 1280x768. I didn't notice a difference in speed at all. COD is a lite weight. It even runs on exteme graphics on my laptop.
um.. we are talking COD2