Video card for Half-life 2


Limp Gawd
Aug 7, 2004
I am not sure if this has been asked before, but searching the form didn't bring up anything. So my question is what is the cheapest video card you can buy to play half-life 2? The system will be an AMD64 3000+ with 1G DDR-400 3200 RAM.

I appriciate any suggestions
The cheapest card applicable for HL2 is a Radeon 7500 for $39.50 :)

But get something better for your rig, e.g. a 9600 Pro ($100), a 9800 Pro (less than $200), a 6600GT ($200+), or one out of the X800 or 6800 series if you want to spend more.
Atleast 9600 Pro (but 9600 pro is becoming a POS in all other games :( ) Get the leadtek 6600 GT or XFX 6600 GT.
A good used Radeon 9700pro would be great and cheap. I used to play HL2 with it up until last week just fine in 1280x1024 in 32bit color and 2x AA.

Great card and can be found for around 80-100 bucks only.
You said read "valve sucks" to find out how to unlock DX9? Only the FX series cant run HL2 in Dx 9 the new Nvidia 6 series can do it no problem.
Get X800 Xt and your set! best card I have owned. I even like it better then the 6800 ultra since I had it.
Framerate said:
And then read the "Valve sucks" topic to find out how to unlock DX9.

Only the FX series cards have that problem, the 6xxx cards run HL2 as well or better than their ATI counterparts. So please stop talking out of your ass. Thanks. :)

I'd say the cheapest card worth considering is a 9600 XT.
Best bang-for-the-buck is probably a 6600 GT new, or a 9800 Pro used.
Fastest, period, is the x800 XT, or XT-PE if you can find one.
clone#13 said:
I am not sure if this has been asked before, but searching the form didn't bring up anything. So my question is what is the cheapest video card you can buy to play half-life 2? The system will be an AMD64 3000+ with 1G DDR-400 3200 RAM.

I appriciate any suggestions
a 9600xt would run the game fine.. i have one for sale, pm if interested
For ATI, go with a 9600XT, 9700 Pro, 9800 Pro, x800 Pro, or either of the x800 XTs. For Nvidia, best bet would be 6600GT, 6800NU, 6800GT, and 6800 Ultra for the best performance. Out of all these if you are looking for a cheaper card, I would go for the 9700 or 9800 pro.
a used 9800Pro shouldnt cost more than 100 bucks or so. since he's looking for a cheap card, a $220 6600GT would be kind of expensive i'd think.
clone#13 said:
I am not sure if this has been asked before, but searching the form didn't bring up anything. So my question is what is the cheapest video card you can buy to play half-life 2? The system will be an AMD64 3000+ with 1G DDR-400 3200 RAM.

I appriciate any suggestions

well it is great to get such a great response. I have been looking at the prices here in Montreal and in Canada as well, and I see that I can get the 6600 GT by XFX for $309 plus tax at and the Leadtek 6600GT for $281. Anyway one has any objections about leadtek or is it a good company?

P.S kevin1211: Thanks for the offer, I am thinking more towards that 6600GT or a 9800pro.
dont buy from retailers in montreal... just look on ebay, if youre patient you could find a kickass deal on a 9800pro/6600gt
I wouldn't mind checking ebay, except with that much money it would hurt to get burned. Had a bad experience with a case.
yeah i understand youre pain :/ always make sure the guy had some goods feedbacks in the past month MAX. too many ebay accounts are getting hijacked :/
I have a 9600 non pro and can run HL2 @1024x768 @32bit color with 2xAA and can get 40/45 fps no problem but it is overclocked from 324/400 to 490/466 with air cooling.For 65 bucks @circuit city not a bad deal.My buddy got a 6600gt and it runs HL2 super smooth so that my
next upgrade

amd [email protected]
1gb pc2700
9600 non pro@490/466
how can a 200$ card be a better bang for your card than a 100$ used card? youre never getting twice the performance of a 9700 pro with a 6600gt.
how about a ATI 9800xt 256mb? I have one of these but havent got it running in my new rig, I might look into getting HL2 later, how will it run?
You will find that a little extra money for a vid card will go a long way. Get the x800xt. It's definitely worth the price.