Video Card Recommendation For BF:4


Loves the juice
Sep 25, 2002
I've not built a PC in some time. Maybe since 2011. That box was fairly mid-level in regards to hardware however I would love to build a box that can handle BF:4 on my new PC. My question is do you guys know a really decent video card that will handle BF:4 at maximum settings & not be super crazy expensive? I don't want to list a budget for the card but can you guys throw out some popular powerhouse suggestions for video cards that should have no issues playing the game? I have always been a nVidia fan over AMD so if that helps but I'm no fan-boy so please recommend whatever you think would work best!

Thank you!


From what I read online, I seem to want a AMD video card...
7970 and OC it or wait and get the R9 280x, will let you run close to max settings, just remove don't use MSAA on use post AA instead. Will get on average 80fps.
Not sure why people are recommending products that aren't released, tested, or benchmarked.

I think that currently the game is much more optimized for AMD, and also windows 8.

release, or post release this will most likely change.

if you're playing at 1080p and want to have a really good experience, I recommend starting at gtx 670/770+ or 7970+
§·H·ï·Z·N·ï·L·T·ï;1040264203 said:
7970 and OC it or wait and get the R9 280x, will let you run close to max settings, just remove don't use MSAA on use post AA instead. Will get on average 80fps.

Sorry, I don't mean to hi-jack the thread, but I always thought MSAA was supposed to be easier on the card and Post AA was extremely demanding? I've never been too clear on all the video settings to begin with so I just kinda set everything to low in most games lol.
Sorry, I don't mean to hi-jack the thread, but I always thought MSAA was supposed to be easier on the card and Post AA was extremely demanding? I've never been too clear on all the video settings to begin with so I just kinda set everything to low in most games lol.

No. MSAA is more intensive. Its also provides better results. However, post AA and MSAA have pros and cons. One works better than the other on some objects in games. If one has the headroom its usually best to use both of them, depending on the post AA solution, that is. Some post AA makes things 'blurry'.
Sorry, I don't mean to hi-jack the thread, but I always thought MSAA was supposed to be easier on the card and Post AA was extremely demanding? I've never been too clear on all the video settings to begin with so I just kinda set everything to low in most games lol.

In BF4...

Antialiasing Deferred is 2xMSAA or 4xMSAA
Antialiasing Post is Low, Med, High

Using Post-HIGH doesn't drop FPS at all, maybe 5fps.
Using Deferred 4xMSAA will drop you about 15-20fps.

MSAA looks better, but will really drop FPS, it's better to use POST. POST AA does a good enough job for me in BF4 to clear up the jaggie lines, I don't notice much blur at all.

Well, damn. I guess I learn something new every day :). That does explain why the beta ran like doodoo for me. What effect does POST PROCESS QUALITY (or POST PROCESSING) have on games?
I bought a 7950 a month ago, realized the R9 series was coming out. Immediately returned the card for full refund. I am currently waiting on R9 280x benchmarks then will most likely buy one of those.

I see little reason to buy a soon to be old generation now.
Is the R9 280x going to be a mid-level card or a high end gaming card? Just really confused what I should be getting / waiting for here.
Is the R9 280x going to be a mid-level card or a high end gaming card? Just really confused what I should be getting / waiting for here.

According to AMD, the R9 series is considered to be the "gaming/performance" tier of their new cards and the R7 series will be more mid-range. The R9 280x will be the entry level card for that tier so at best it'll be considered the entry level high end gaming card. From current speculation, it's basically a rebadged HD 7970 GHz Edition with a slight overclock.
I am waiting for the R9 280x. Despite being a rebadged 7970 GHz Edition, it does come at a much lower starting price of $299. The Asus ROG edition which is overclocked a bit more will be around $349. Not bad considering its closest competitor is the GTX 770 and that is $399.
My Sapphire Boost 7950 does just fine and I would think the performance will increase in the coming months just like BF3 did.

So I would consider that as the entry level for good fps at 1080.
Not really sure why everybody thinks you have to have the latest and greatest. I'm running the beta on an HD 7750 on default and it works just fine.