Video Card Upgrade


Limp Gawd
Jul 7, 2003
I am looking to get a video card that can run mw2/l4d2 decently. It does not have to be the best but have some eye candy. I know my cpu and ram would be the bottleneck. My current system specs are in my sig.

I can run mw2 at 1024x768 and med/low settings with most effects on off. I was wondering if it's worth upgrading to a 9800GT/GT 240 (or ati equivalent) to get some improvement. I have been out of the PC building days since '04. I just need something that will hold me up until the asus UL80JT comes out, which would end up being my primary rig. Thanks.
I'm enjoying my 5770s. Inexpensive, decently fast, cool, and quiet. Your cpu and mem will bottleneck a bit most likely, but I still think you'd notice a decent improvement. I'm using an i7 and a PII-X3 with my 5770s, so I'm not bottlenecked. Maybe someone else can chime in on where that would start occurring. I do a lot less gaming now, which is why I bought these. (didn't want to spend my usual $300-400 on a video card anymore when none of the games I play require it currently) A 5750 would even be cheaper, and still be a nice improvement compared to your 78XX
Took a look around, and I see a few people using 5750s on X2 systems (though I didn't see the 3800+ specifically.) I think it would work just fine really, unless the game uses the CPU heavily. Anyway...
If you just need something to hold you over consider nabbing the 8800GT. I've got the same CPU as you with 2gb RAM and I use an 8800GT. I run the original COD:MW at 1280x1024 max settings with 2xAA. I use 4xAA in single player but I like the extra FPS 2xAA provides in multi-player. It runs like a champ with this game. I wish there was a MW2 demo to test out my system on it.
Your CPU is going to hold back anything equal to or more powerful than an 8800. You'll definitely see an increase in performance by upgrading to something like a 9800GT but your CPU is going to cripple that card. I went from a 939 4200+ with an 8800GT to an E8400 with that same 8800GT and the performance was night and day in all games, ESPECIALLY source games such as L4D2
I was looking at that UL80JT... It has a "Nvidia GeForce G 310M" which is not something you'll want for your primary rig if you care about games. So why are you planning to switch to it as your primary rig? Your 7800GT might be faster. Seriously.
I'm enjoying my 5770s. Inexpensive, decently fast, cool, and quiet. Your cpu and mem will bottleneck a bit most likely, but I still think you'd notice a decent improvement. I'm using an i7 and a PII-X3 with my 5770s, so I'm not bottlenecked. Maybe someone else can chime in on where that would start occurring. I do a lot less gaming now, which is why I bought these. (didn't want to spend my usual $300-400 on a video card anymore when none of the games I play require it currently) A 5750 would even be cheaper, and still be a nice improvement compared to your 78XX


My friend just got a XFX 5770 (going from integrated graphics) and he is really happy. Bang-for-buck-wise, this is a very nice card (you can get an XFX for about $165 right now on Newegg).

...keep in mind that the drivers have been updated since the time of this review.

BTW, I am not an ATI fanboy, my last card was a 8800GTX (which was great). ATI is just more cost effective right now.

If you want to go for a less expensive card, look at the 5670:

My friend just got a XFX 5770 (going from integrated graphics) and he is really happy. Bang-for-buck-wise, this is a very nice card (you can get an XFX for about $165 right now on Newegg).

...keep in mind that the drivers have been updated since the time of this review.

BTW, I am not an ATI fanboy, my last card was a 8800GTX (which was great). ATI is just more cost effective right now.

If you want to go for a less expensive card, look at the 5670:

Yeah, I think something in the 5XXX line would be perfect for the OP. He might be CPU bound by a fair margin, but will have a cool running card, can crank any non-cpu dependent setting way up, and if he upgrades, it's still a great card.
Your CPU is going to hold back anything equal to or more powerful than an 8800. You'll definitely see an increase in performance by upgrading to something like a 9800GT but your CPU is going to cripple that card

Yea I'm kind of looking for something night and day but nothing too high that my cpu would cripple the card. Basically getting the best card based on what I already have.

I was looking at that UL80JT... It has a "Nvidia GeForce G 310M" which is not something you'll want for your primary rig if you care about games. So why are you planning to switch to it as your primary rig? Your 7800GT might be faster. Seriously.

You're right about the card. I might have confused this model's gpu with the K42JR-A1 which only has a 5470 but still a decent card.

Primary rig as in will be used 90% of the time. I don't plan on upgrading my desktop anytime soon since I will be mobile most of the time. I'm buying it mainly because of form factor and mobility. If I'm at home I will just hook it up to my 20"wide monitor.


Go with a Radeon 3870 x2 card, if you are on a budget.

Otherwise, the higher end 4 series, or said 5770 above is DEFINITELY worth the investment.

I can afford to spend more than $200 but don't want to buy a card that I would not get full potential because of my cpu/ram. Just need something that can hold me up for another 1-2 months when ASUS new laptops are available.

Thanks for all the input. I guess I'll get something like a 8/9 800gt or 4/5series.
I'm using a 9800GT and play MW2 at 1920x1080 with all settings maxed. 4xAA, 16xAF and transparency AA enabled in the NVIDIA control panel. The game runs smooth as butter. I imagine the same card would do you nicely as well, although you would see some bottlenecks due to the rest of your system. I can't imagine the performance hit would be terrible or anything, not for MW2...I mean, MW2 isn't crazily resource-hungry or anything. Anyways, I was in a rush so I picked up the card from a nearby Best Buy for $80, and I'm sure it can be had for much cheaper online.

But yeah, don't spend $200 on a card yet with the CPU you're using. The 9800GT is a very worthy competitor in the budget-range.
I'd probably get a 5750 and then use crossfire when you upgrade the CPU/motherboard/RAM later on down the road.

Although it seems like a lot of 5770's are selling for around the same price as a 5750(seen a couple deals already on the forums for 140-150$ 5770's while a quick look at amazon shows the 5750 at 140-150$), so that would change things.
Both of these games can be turned up pretty high with just a 9600GT. I have the 1GB version, so that may help me out.
an ATI 4850 HD is more than enough for that and more, and you can get it from a 100 dollars from newegg. However, I don't know if you can use this card with your motherboard.
Both of these games can be turned up pretty high with just a 9600GT. I have the 1GB version, so that may help me out.

I have the 9600gt and aside from it running hot as hell, it runs anything I need with decent quality at playable speeds on my ageing system.
I have the 9600gt and aside from it running hot as hell, it runs anything I need with decent quality at playable speeds on my ageing system.

I really like the 9600GTs. I've owned my share of them in various systems, and even SLIed a couple of them for a while in a secondary system. Not bad cards at all. I think the 57XX is a little more future proof, but with the price of 9600GTs right now, it's definitely a good option.
an ATI 4850 HD is more than enough for that and more, and you can get it from a 100 dollars from newegg. However, I don't know if you can use this card with your motherboard.

i was just about to suggest the 4850, i had a 4850 on an X2 4400+ and it was a great card. if you look you can get a 4850 for 75$ used or less, and a 4870 for 100$ used.

the reason i'd say go with teh 4850 because it would scale well too incase you decide to upgrade you CPU/RAM/MOBO in the future.

eg here is a 4850 for 70$ on the CL here