Video Cards rated by power requirement?


Limp Gawd
Oct 14, 2004
Hi all,

I've seen plenty of Video Card guides and lists based on graphics performance (well, duh!), but since I have an SFF-sized computer, with a small, 1-U sized PSU (300 watts) and a bit of a heat issue, I would like to see the current cards on the marked rated on power consumption/requirements as well.

I know that ATI cards typically run cooler and require less watts, but I would like to compare the watt/performance on the cards so I can see how much performance I am willing to sacrifice (I'm thinking about the new 7800GT) before I get into "creative cooling."

Does anyone have this kind of data lying around? or do we have to get out there and compile it? Thanks!
There really arent any 1U PSU more powerfull than 300W. The only saving grace is that I only have one HDD, a DVD, a P4, and a GF6600 (vanilla, i think) sucking power so i am doing ok so far.

The only reason i got the 6600 vanilla was to save $$ waiting for the new ATI to come out, but I am tired of waiting and it looks the new R520 will not be all that much better than the 7800GTX.

But, they said the new 7800GTX has the same requirements than the 6800OC: 350Watts (or more) and the 7800GT only requires 300Watts, which is looking mighty sweet. Then again looking at this the 7800GT should perform the same as a X800XT (on paper), Heck even the price diference is not that much between teh two!

Thats why I need to hear your opinions. Give me a hand here!
I have a Shuttle SN95G5 Revision 2,0 and it has stock 240 watt PSU. Well Shuttle PSU are really strong.
I run 4200+ X2 1 GB Corsair TWINX Cass 2 RAM, 6800GT AGP, 250 GB WD HDD, NEC 3520 and lot's of USB stuff just to mention power hungry Razer Diamondback and EDimax 7113 USB 2,0 54 MB 6 db gain antenna wireless network adapter.
Well it's even all pretty cool. CPU max. temp I've seen is between 40 and 45 deg. C and GPU stays under 60 deg. C all the time.

So it's important who makes a PSU and how doo they rate it. Like many cases come with PSU claiming 350 watt and more but couldn't even handle what I'm powering wiht 240 watt good PSU.

If You get Shuttle 300 watt PSU I gues You can power allmost any card You can imagine. Well be shure cooling is good and doo not OC and You will be O.K.


Yes, i see your point, I think i will get a good PSU. I will need it if I want to add a better V-card, another gig of RAM and an Ageia PPU.
Yep, cheap PSU's cost more in the long run.

I have a Seasonic S-12 500, it is awesome.