Video editing comp, 800 budget


Limp Gawd
Dec 21, 2003
So i'm building a computer for somone and all it will be used for it video editing. The budget is 800. So here are my ideas...
ram - 512mb (256mb x 2) pc2-4200 - $100
cpu - 530J (3ghz intel socket T) - $180
motherboard - Abit AA8-DuraMAX - $150
vid card- cheap x300 se - $70
hard drive - wd 80gb sata - $60
os, case, psu, and drives - $240

Does this sound good? and if he comes up with $100 more what should be upgraded? 1gb of ram?
no overclocking btw
what software will he use? if it supports multithreading, you might get more bang for the buck with a dually and some LV Xeons...with HT enabled that's 4 processors and even if you keep them stock at 1.6ghz it should pwn for editing...the only drawback would be the cost of the motherboard...EDIT i see you're listing the AA8 as 150 bucks...hell for that price you might wanna consider going dual... the LV Xeons go for 100-150 a pair if you keep your eyes open and the PC-DL or NCCH-DL (sp?) to run them about 200-250 so the cost would roughly equal out...