Video First look at Battlefront beta Performance (Only on a 290x)

The 290x or 390 is such a good bang/buck card if it can be had for less than $250.
Good to see the AMD's doing well. The Frostbite engine lead is buds with AMD as he helped them make Mantle happen. Gotta wonder if there isn't some stealth Mantle optimization that's making the diff here.

I'm also tired of GTX970 being the exact price it was a year ago.
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290X passes a 980, let's see the internet go wild... Oh wait, it's DX11. Odd how that works. :cool:

Its not really an AMD vs Nvidia thing. The 290x has been delivering surprising performance on the latest games and benchmarks recently. Couple that with the used prices it makes it an appealing card imo.
Staying far away.. I still remember BF4..

Lol, BF4 is going strong still. New DLC's and all.

But if you are on that boat, wait for it to drop in price in a year or two.

Hardline seems to have only 12ish servers up and populated when I go on to play...:rolleyes:
Then use DX11?
Also, you can preload Battlefront Beta. Just go to the Origin Store and go to the Battlefront Delux page, there's a preload the Beta button.

Talking about the launch of BF4 and i ran it at DX11 back then but the setting in Mantle were a lot higher Due to my weaker cpu I got to play Ultra with Mantle where i just touched medium and high mix on DX11.

I have no interest at this moment to play the battlefront beta :) .