Video Game Played In A Planetarium

Hell no. I get motion sickness enough in front of my 22" monitor :-P
Can we *please* get a remake of X-Wing, and play it in this? I'd pay good money for that!
*Buys stock in the company that makes Dramamine*

Cool, but if you aren't at the controls this will make you sick in about 10 seconds.
I always see the comments on stuff like this and 3D experiences about it making people sick or giving headaches etc.. I wonder if these same folks have trouble riding rollercoasters for long periods of time also? Just curious! I'm fortunate to not have motion sickness with this or any problems with 3D and I'd love to play or even watch a game on something like this!
I always see the comments on stuff like this and 3D experiences about it making people sick or giving headaches etc.. I wonder if these same folks have trouble riding rollercoasters for long periods of time also? Just curious! I'm fortunate to not have motion sickness with this or any problems with 3D and I'd love to play or even watch a game on something like this!

No, because video game nauseousness is due to the lack of movements while your eyes are registering them, such as the bobbing effect in first person shooters. In your eyes, you should be bobbing while running, but you're not. It's not the same as in 3D movies and roller coasters.

I'd imagine 3D movie nauseousness has something to do with peripheral vision.
I've always wanted to play a PC game on one of those gigantic theater screens (you know... iMAX.. Ultrascreen or whatever your local movie theater calls it) would be awesome!
Ditto, same here. However, if I did not get motion sick then it would be cool.
That would be the coolest way to get motion sickness though... Even if I was prone to motion sickness, I'd still game on a setup like that... just bring a bucket or something... it will be worth it. :D