Video Game Sales Top $21B in 2008

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
First they said games were “recession-proof.” Then yesterday they said “not so fast” games aren’t recession proof. Today the official numbers are out and the industry set a record with $21 billion in sales, up almost twenty percent over last year.

"While industry growth has not continued at the blistering pace we saw during the second and third quarters, December's 9 percent increase over last December brings the year in 19 percent ahead of last year, and sets a new record for total industry sales," said NPD analyst Anita Frazier in an e-mail statement.
It's one of those scare tactics or something... like Exxon and their we need to raise prices of gas because we're not making enough profit... or we have to cover hurricane damage or someone yelled at someone in the middle east... raise prices...

does this mean that we won't be seeing further price drops in games???
You would think that with that much cash involved politicians would leave the games industry alone. I guess since game companies are not adding too much money to the lobbyist's money coffers, that is probably the reason games still get picked on by politicians?

Just thinking out loud there.
Growth is still growth. It's just slower than some analyst expected. I'm starting to notice a trend here...
It's one of those scare tactics or something... like Exxon and their we need to raise prices of gas because we're not making enough profit... or we have to cover hurricane damage or someone yelled at someone in the middle east... raise prices...

does this mean that we won't be seeing further price drops in games???

Alright, not only is that completely off topic about Exxon, but you obviously have no idea how the system works. With that said, this "recession" they are going on about is a buyers market, those with stable jobs and disposable income will be buying more things, not less.
It is indeed a scare tactic, but let's not throw accusations at companies that really havent had anything to do with it.