Video jamming


Nov 25, 2005
After Im play freelancer for about 5 hours on end it will sometimes just jam and I'll have to restart my computer. What it looks like is a 20x20 sized image looking like image before it jammed with 100's filling up the screen. I'm wondering what's causing this. A faulty video card because if so it's personnal OC'd so the warrenty's voided :(

Need help :(
I don't always play for 5 hours at a time. That's jsut because it's the weekend :D On saturday I played for 8hours lol 1pm to 9pm :D

Ok, it could be overheating and i'll check the temps and lower the clock speeds.
Hawk said:
I don't always play for 5 hours at a time. That's jsut because it's the weekend :D On saturday I played for 8hours lol 1pm to 9pm :D

Ok, it could be overheating and i'll check the temps and lower the clock speeds.

First off: what are the specs of the system? you didn't mention what video card this is...

Make sure you're checking temps using a program like rivatuner along with rthdribl. You'll get a good picture as to what is going on, and see if temps really are an issue.
AMD64 [email protected]@1.55V with Scythe Ninja HS
2x512 DDR400@180
Galaxy 6800GS was at 521/1320 but lowered it to 500/1320 right now.
Enermax Whisper II 525W PSU
A8N-SLI Vanilla
Case has 2 fans, 1 intake 1 outtake, And 1 120mm fan facing towards the output fan which is on the HS.

Think it gets hot in there because it's kinda hot inside. :O