Video Playback is fuzzy


Limp Gawd
Aug 29, 2004
I need some help. My video playback has for some reason become jagged around the edges of all objects in a given scene. It doesnt matter if i play from the HDD or dvd or power dvd or mpclassic. it is like there is some type of interference going on. i thought at first it was the dvd, but looks the same after hdd playback. im using a bfg 6600gt oc with dvi out to a viewsonic vp930b. this is not very noticable, but causes a slight fuzziness in the picture. everything else looks great, internet, games etc. you guys have any ideas ??

much appreciated

any help? is there anything i can add that can describe the problem a little better, its pretty aggrevating.
all dvd and even video playback from the HDD. im stumped.

Could you list the software that you're using (I understand that any media player has been doing this so list the codecs you have installed)?
you could try using mplayer to play em. it uses its own codecs so if it plays everything file then its your codecs or player programs probably.
First off, its not any form of interference, since you state that all other images on the screen look fine, such as games.

Jagged edges around objects leads me to believe it may be some form of a deinterlacing issue. Take a look at this website and see if what they are talking about is what you are experiencing.

Hope it helps,

-Also Nate

my images have mice teeth. i must have changed something, video used to be smooth. thanks for the help Ill let you know how it goes.

played with the deinterlacing, still the same. very annoying, i have this nice monitor and video looks like shit. If anyone had ny ideas why i have stair stepping along the edges and how to fix it would be nice. the help is much appreciated.
