Video showing the Revolution controller in use!

It does have force feedback. Nintendo has been touring this controller and the demos around to publications (Time, CNN, etc) and all of them are giving great positive hands-on tests of the thing, comparing it to (and sometimes besting) their preferred keyboard+mouse setups. Time has even called it one of the top gadgets of next year or something like that.
There's one problem with all those reviews though; they're all based around tech demos that typically feature one specific possibility for control. Their aren't actually any completed games for the thing.
It apparently works very well in the Metroid Prime setup, so that's good.

And I'm sure it doesn't feature "force feedback", just a rumble motor. But if Nintendo have managed to implement true force feedback into such a tiny device, awesome.
They called it force feedback, but the term is used quite loosely nowadays. So you're right, we'll have to wait and see whether they mean a rumble motor (likely the case) or actual force feedback.

ZX6, they retrofitted a level of metroid prime 2 for the controller (in a matter of a couple weeks) and it worked great for everyone who played. Other than a couple programming glitches, all of the hands on demos were ranting and raving about how awesome an FPS-style game would work on that controller and how much better it is than gamepads, and how it could even best a kb+m setup (yadda yadda). I'll wait till I can try it myself before I can say that it is better than my preferred kb+m for FPS titles... but every one who's tried it has nothing but positive words.
Add 'em said:
Yes, and if they can make something that simulates recoil on an add-on like that (Time Crisis arcade-style?), that would be even sweeter. Of course, it would probably eat through batteries like nobody's business.

I thought it comes with a stand or cradle or something so i thought it could be recharged. For comparison, how long do those wireless, rechargeable PC controllers last?

The Resident said:
I've noticed a number of positive first-impression-type articles about the Revolution but have yet to see anyone discuss the controller's tracking latency and resolution. Maybe it's just the engineer in me, but I want to see the numbers. :) IMO, the most intuitive game won't make up for a 100 ms latency or a 1-degree "jump" from angle to angle.

I've had an infrared 3D mouse before and it was really precise, precise enough that 1mm = 1 pixel. It even has a pen you can write in the air with, downside is that it was really tiring to use. Your arm would be sore in less than an hour. It's really old technology too. In fact, it's from the days before PS/2 was around. Yep, it's a serial mouse.

Smiffy said:
It apparently works very well in the Metroid Prime setup, so that's good.

And I'm sure it doesn't feature "force feedback", just a rumble motor. But if Nintendo have managed to implement true force feedback into such a tiny device, awesome.

Sorry, but that's impossible. How the heck would you get a freehand controller to move itself downwards if you caught a fish?

That gun mockup is a good one. With the controllers motion sensing abilities, you might actually be able to use a bayonette in a shooting game. Shoot like a regular rifle, run up to them and stab them to save ammo, and even hold it sideways to parry a sword attack. Maybe a game based on FF8's gunblades? :D Sounds kinda tiring tho.
ZX6Master said:
There's one problem with all those reviews though; they're all based around tech demos that typically feature one specific possibility for control. Their aren't actually any completed games for the thing.

Exactly, the demos shown aren't even real games and look how awesome they are. Now, imagine how amazing actual games will be that were designed with that control scheme in mind from the beginning... :)
CodeEx, don't forget about one glaring example: the Nintendo DS. At the beginning, the games were gimmicky with the touch screen at best, aside from some first party effort. It's going to take SOME third parties at least 3-6 months before they hit their stride with non-gimmicky titles. Mark Rein, hate his view of gaming as I do, is right about that at least.

Of course, Nintendo's first party houses on the other hand - I am expecting big things from them :)
Sly said:
That gun mockup is a good one. With the controllers motion sensing abilities, you might actually be able to use a bayonette in a shooting game. Shoot like a regular rifle, run up to them and stab them to save ammo, and even hold it sideways to parry a sword attack. Maybe a game based on FF8's gunblades? :D Sounds kinda tiring tho.

That would be sweet. Image playing like RE4 type of game and running out of ammo so you bitch slap someone with the gun to knock them down and get away. As I said before I can't wait to try this thing out for myself.
CodeEx said:
Exactly, the demos shown aren't even real games and look how awesome they are. Now, imagine how amazing actual games will be that were designed with that control scheme in mind from the beginning... :)

...except...that's all we hear from Nintendo. Imagine this, imagine that. I don't want to imagine it. If they expect to get my money they sure as hell better SHOW me something.
ZX6Master said:
...except...that's all we hear from Nintendo. Imagine this, imagine that. I don't want to imagine it. If they expect to get my money they sure as hell better SHOW me something.

like the DS.. i think what's gonna happen is.. the first games for the rev are gonna be a bit gimmicky.. and then we will see good uwse of hte control later..
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
like the DS.. i think what's gonna happen is.. the first games for the rev are gonna be a bit gimmicky.. and then we will see good uwse of hte control later..

Eh, I think that having Zelda: Twilight Princess feature the Revolution controller as an option doesn't exactly fit under the word "gimmicky". Just imagining all the usefull things that could be done in Zelda: TP alone with the new controller is vvverry exciting.
The problem is, all the people who have tested it have only tested it for a small amount of time in a demo setting. Go sit in front your TV and hold your remote up to it. Imagine what it would be like if you were to play even for an hour. My arm hurts just thinking about it...
Maximus825 said:
The problem is, all the people who have tested it have only tested it for a small amount of time in a demo setting. Go sit in front your TV and hold your remote up to it. Imagine what it would be like if you were to play even for an hour. My arm hurts just thinking about it...

It's been said numerous times around here, that almost no effort is needed. You don't have to hold it up, arm straight to your TV. You can hold it pretty much however you hold current control pads, just rest it on your lap or whatever.
Maximus825 said:
The problem is, all the people who have tested it have only tested it for a small amount of time in a demo setting. Go sit in front your TV and hold your remote up to it. Imagine what it would be like if you were to play even for an hour. My arm hurts just thinking about it...

This seems to be a common concern I hear. But this is seriously ridiculous. Plenty of everyday activities involve more strenuous activity. Consider athletics. Or consider musicians. Violinists (I happen to be one) hold their arms up continuously. And, they must move their (bow) arm, sometimes quite vigorously. I can certainly play violin (and regularly do) for more than an hour at a time. How about driving a car? Holding your arms up there for long periods of time (albeit being able to rest on the steering wheel).

Give the human body a little more credit.
Isaacav2 said:
Eh, I think that having Zelda: Twilight Princess feature the Revolution controller as an option doesn't exactly fit under the word "gimmicky". Just imagining all the usefull things that could be done in Zelda: TP alone with the new controller is vvverry exciting.


then again.. i'm sure nintendo has learned from the DS.. that you cannot release gimmicky things..
Maximus825 said:
The problem is, all the people who have tested it have only tested it for a small amount of time in a demo setting. Go sit in front your TV and hold your remote up to it. Imagine what it would be like if you were to play even for an hour. My arm hurts just thinking about it...

it's been said like one million times.. you can let your arm rest on your lap and use it..
Developers (even the hated EA) are reporting all kinds of ideas and excitment about this thing. Here's hoping Nintendo steals E3 '06, which includes actual games, both first party and third party. Who am I kidding, of course they're gonna steal it. lol. Thank you guys, for correcting the whole 'arm tired' crap. If the reports are true, extremely little effort is needed unless you WANT to put some effort into it.
Nintendo is the console king. I predict this will revolutionize gaming. Mark my words, a few years from now I'll bring this thread back up and show you all! NINTENDO WILL PWN MICROSOFT AND SONY!

OK, I'm crazy.
This really does looks awesome. I think this is going to be the console to bring me back to video games on the T.V. Just the interaction with the game and able to make movements is going to be enjoyable, instead of being restricted by a normal console controller. I can't wait to try this out.
dave6821 said:
Nintendo is the console king. I predict this will revolutionize gaming. Mark my words, a few years from now I'll bring this thread back up and show you all! NINTENDO WILL PWN MICROSOFT AND SONY!

OK, I'm crazy.

Yes you are :p
I don't know about "pwning" MS and Sony, especially in North America... but revolutionize gaming? Maybe. I can VERY certainly see the PS4 and the X1080 adopting a similar control scheme, just as they all have in the past from Nintendo.
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
it's been said like one million times.. you can let your arm rest on your lap and use it..

Yes, and how accurate are you going to be doing that? Ignoring the fact that you're gonna look like you're playing with yourself....
Maximus825 said:
Ignoring the fact that you're gonna look like you're playing with yourself....

Do you plan on playing the revolution in public often? Who cares what you look like in your own home... :rolleyes:
CodeEx said:
Do you plan on playing the revolution in public often? Who cares what you look like in your own home... :rolleyes:

lol, that part was actually a joke. I should have put a smilie after it or something...
From all reports that I've read (visit for examples, or CNN money), even when resting on your knees or in the same position as your old controllers, the thing is extremely accurate and feels natural. We'll have to see for ourselves, but the entire gaming press says it is so, so most likely they're not all lying.
steviep said:
From all reports that I've read (visit for examples, or CNN money), even when resting on your knees or in the same position as your old controllers, the thing is extremely accurate and feels natural. We'll have to see for ourselves, but the entire gaming press says it is so, so most likely they're not all lying.

I wouldn't think they would by lying. I guess I'm just very particular about how I play games. I'm pretty sure that I'll end up plugging in one of my Gamecube controllers when I get a Rev (If they still plan on including this support). I guess this really is just a "wait and see" type of thing. Something that we gamers can't stand... :)
TranquilRed said:
Love the part with the sword cutting the cloth, that's pretty damn cool if you could do that to enviroment all the time, like in Chaos Theory or Morrowind or something.

Yes now picture playing a game like that with your friends sitting around you and you accidently punch them in the face, now that'll cause a revolution :rolleyes:
TheMadHatterXxX said:
Yes now picture playing a game like that with your friends sitting around you and you accidently punch them in the face, now that'll cause a revolution :rolleyes:

Depends on how much we have had to drink but I think that would be pretty funny. Most of my friends would prob think the same thing for at least the first few times. After that yea someone would end up getting hurt.