Videocard Bottleneck from Last System


Feb 12, 2007
Hi all,

This is not a current issue as I've since moved to a new computer. However, I felt that I never fully researched the issue I had, and I'm just wondering if my experience below was due to either a CPU, PSU bottleneck, both, or neither.

While I'm one to strongly advocate building over buying, my last computer was a Dell Dimension XPS-2 w/ a Northwood C P4 3Ghz processor, 2 Gigs of RAM, and a 9800XT. The reason I bought at the time was that AnandTech posted a positive review along with a link to an amazing discount, and coupled with another discount I had, the machine was much cheaper than anything I could build for the money. I know it's rare but it does happen.

Anyway, the computer served well and lasted quite a while. It's only drawback, however, was that it was purchased three months before AGP went extinct, so my video card upgrade options became limited. (On the otherhand, I was quite fortunate to purchase three months before too, thus avoiding Prescott.) When my 9800 XT became long in the tooth, I decided to upgrade to an X850 XT PE. It was the best choice at the time, with the 7800GS cards not yet out. Besides, staying in the ATI realm meant I didn't have to switch drivers.

The card never performed well, and I never got around to figuring out why. Was the P4 a bottleneck, or did the card need more than juice than Dell's proprietary 420Watt PSU could supply? Some games did run well, like Doom 3 and Prey, but most suffered with mediocre performance. I'd always try running games at 1600x1200 w/ no AA or AF first, as that was my monitor's native res. When that didn't turn out well, I'd downscale to 1024x768... The biggest problem I experienced was that so many games crashed with the new card. Again, some wouldn't, but everythign from BF2142 to even RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 would, like clockwork, kick out between a half-hour to an hour of gaming.

Anyway, not that it really matters now, but I'd appreciate any insight. Since I didn't have much time for gaming when I bought the card, I never really figured out what was going on. It is of some relevance to me today, however, as I contemplate what to do with the machine.


sounds like the drivers didn't migrate well from 9800XT to the X800. Have you tried uninstalling the drivers, then running Driver Cleaner, and downloading and installing the newest X800 drivers? You mentoined no driver uninstall/re-install, so that's where I am starting.
The X850 XT PE was in the system for almost two years, and numerous Catalyst revisions have been cleanly installed and uninstalled. It appeared that the symptoms were never directly driver related.
