

Nov 29, 2001
Got the game today at EB's. $29.99
If you liked the first one [ I did ] you're going to like this one!
Looks great. You must have a Shader 2.0 compliant video card with at least 128mb ram minimum, 256 better.
Running it in 1024x768 maxed except AA AF on a 6600gt.
Runs great. 2.8c @ 3.2.
Gig and a half of Mushkin Redline.
I love this game. ;)
ive been wondering, i know that vc2 is based around city combat, but how many purely jungle maps are there in MP? imo thats what made VC1 so fun is playing MP in the jungle.

I loved VC1 myself especially the dense jungle fighting. It was a needed change from the usual template fps enviroment. But the game engine was not bleeding edge :(

How are the graphics and AI in VC2?

Thnx for reminding me about this game, I may have to give it a try????
Is there coop in this one like in the first? Coop is a major selling point for me. Some friends and I loved the coop on the LAN (with the exception of the one hard-assed map where they're on you like white on rice when you spawn).
There is coop.
Also Assault, DM, TDM, CTF.
Maps consist of : Bridge, Checkpoint, Junglepoint, Nva base, Tigerfalls, Trail etc.
Not just in-city but set in Laoatian Border jungle[JunglePoint].
Cambodian interior/Temples[NvaBase]
Graveyard with ragged terrain, rice paddies etc.
I just started the sp.
You start off in a Brothel and get called back to base.
Took me a while to get out of there. :)
The graphics are much better than VC1.
These guys do a good job of immersing you in the environment.
I must have played the first one and Fist Alpha 5-6 times.
Did you ever watch the credits from the first game?
Those guys were having a good time making the game!
I can't wait to unlock/play as a Vietcong in this one.
Hey for $30 I'm glad I got this.
I've spent much more on games that turned out to be pieces of shit.
Oh yeah, in mp there are character classes:eg infantryman/fighter, engineer/sapper, medic, machine gunner, Marine/ soldier, Radioman, Sniper, Commando
OK I'm in. I was wondering what game to pick up after the FEAR, CoD2 blitz.

As soon as I finish CoD2 I will pick up VC2 as it's cheap and I loved the 1st one.

I'll snag Q4 in December :)
I should be getting a review copy within the next week or so. Looking forward to it :)
I tried the demo a long time ago... mediocre graphics with mediocre performance...

so the retail game change or what? I might pick it up.
Just finished reviewing, the review should be up at within a day or so. Fun game marred by mediocre graphics and poor performance. Gameplay would be an 8.5 out of 10, but the performance and other issues (terrible gun sounds, mp is a ghost town) brought it down a bit.
Finished the sp part's of the game.
Some observations:
Game was shorter than first Vietcong.
Was easier than original.
Playing as a VC was more fun than as an American.
Code is poor as I ended up with a lot of slowdowns and lag in SP that got me killed a lot.
Some scenes looked good, like palaces, temples and graveyards but was pretty much
like the first game graphic wise.

The story line was good including the way it went from from GI to VC.
Haven't hardly played MP because I'm playing GUN, Q4, NFSMW, FEAR, COD2 etc.
The Pterodon guys are talented and have a lot of imagination but mabe it's time to move on to something new.
So all in all I liked it but if I had to have VC1 or VC2 it would definately be VC1