Viewing Vista Shutdown Tasks


Nov 22, 2004
I have a task which is running during Vista's shutdown/logoff procedure, which I cannot seem to locate. I went through all of the computer's services and running background programs and scheduled tasks, and was unable to find any leads.

Basically what is happening is when I go to shutdown or logoff I get a window which flashes up and runs a taskbar so fast that I cannot tell for the life of me what it says because it appears and disappears so fast (sort of like when you just try and run a cmd file before opening cmd). I tried to slow my cpu down to 600mhz in an effort to give me more time to read what is happening but it is still too fast for my eyes.

Do any of you know how to approach this problem. I am thinking that maybe try and catch it with a camera/video cam next just to see what is happening.
Ok, I had some time to troubleshoot this tonight...without any leads.

Caught the culprit on film. The first message says:

Please Wait:

Statistics Thread has been terminated.

The second message says:

Please Wait:

Unclean Shutdown.

My guess is something behind the works in Vista is messing up but I really have no sure idea exactly what is causing this.

Any ideas?! :confused::confused:
Go to the event viewer under manage (right click my computer), click on custom logs, administrator and view those.
do you run ubuntu or other linux variant at all? When I google unclean shutdown everything points to ubuntu or some program called mail washer pro.
Well after Uninstalling office (I suspected that because I was also getting a Incoming/Outgoing Mail Server error along with those other 2 above) I figured out that it was not office after all.

Just about to give up (aka reinstall all of Vista and my programs), I came back here tonight tonight figuring that there would be no replies in my thread. Instead I got 2 more so I will reply to the both of you 1-by-1.

bigdogchris- Checked the event viewer. Aside from a few kerberos errors in it it was pretty clean. I didn't have anything even remotely pertaining to the above issue. Thanks for pointing out the custom admin logs. I didn't know that they were there! Makes life easier in finding admin specific errors.

riot8ap- I read the first part of your post and it basically summarized what I found on google...that this is a common Linux error. Since I do not have Linux installed, I was pretty much at a dead end there; that is, until I read the second part of your post... MAIL WASHER PRO.

Yes, thanks to you I now know what is causing the above errors. I do use that program as a spam filter for my mailbox. It is a great program and I would have NEVER suspected it if you had never pointed that out to me. I uninstalled it and the errors disappeared!

Since you saved me an insane amount of time in reinstalling my programs please PM me with your PayPal address. I would like to send you a small "donation" for solving my problem as a token of my appreciation. You have no idea how glad I am right now that I have narrowed it down to mailwasher! I will send you a PM as well thanking you once more for solving this for me.

These forums prove to be such a useful asset in my troubleshooting. It always amazes me how much knowledge is flowing around these parts!
There are a lot of smart people here, and a lot of ones who think they're smart.
Well, I sure am glad that I got the better half of those individuals (including yourself). :)

People like you is what makes these forums so valuable.