Viewsonic VP201 is noisy. Why?

Astral Abyss

Jun 15, 2004
What, if anything, can be done about it?

I just bought myself a Viewsonic VP201s, and it's a great monitor. However, I'm getting an annoying buzzing sound from it. I read around and it seems this is a problem on some monitors when turning down the brightness. Unfortunately, I don't like running it at 100% brightness because it's WAY too bright at that setting, but if I turn down the brightness to a level I like, I get that annoying buzzing noise.

Has anyone else had this problem with a similar monitor? Did you come up with a solution?

I've got a 21 day satisfaction guarantee on this monitor so I might be taking it back if I don't want to live with it. My computer is really quiet so I can hear the buzzing.
Yes, I've heard about this problem too... But, I can not detect any noise. Maybe, because I have very noisy room... Using VP201@lowest brightness.
It will make the noise even when disconnected from the computer or with the computer off. Just press the button to switch input sources and you should hear the noise while the monitor temporarily turns on while looking for a signal. It comes from the top right side of mine.

This makes it easier to detect it if you have a noisy computer.

I'd kind of like to know also if this is a normal issue with this monitor. It would be pointless for me to exchange this one for another if they all do it.
Does anyone think my UPS could be causing this?

Edit: Tested without UPS. Still does it.

Oh well, I'm taking this monitor back anyway. I just looked closer at the manufactured date and it's January 2004. I'd rather have a product made less than 14 months ago for the price I paid.