Viewsonic VP930 intial thoughts. Uh oh...


Mar 8, 2004
After dropping my fucking 2405 after I sold it, this thread is no longer valid. Mods please close.
Ouch, I am glad you told me this, since I was looking at this monitor. I am still trying to decide on a Dell or a Samsung, both have their positives and negatives. Thats what makes choosing a LCD so difficult. Sure wish choosing a LCD was like the good old days of choosing a CRT, where you didnt have to worry about poor backlighting and ghosting. :confused:
DaRkF0g said:
Ouch, I am glad you told me this, since I was looking at this monitor. I am still trying to decide on a Dell or a Samsung, both have their positives and negatives. Thats what makes choosing a LCD so difficult. Sure wish choosing a LCD was like the good old days of choosing a CRT, where you didnt have to worry about poor backlighting and ghosting. :confused:

I just NOW remembered that I may have scaling still enabled on my 2405 and it may be screwing up the Viewsonic because I wondered why even at 1280x1024 my desktop still looked *small*.

I'll need to verify this to hold that thought until I get back home tonight.....It could be dumbass user error over here....
DaRkF0g said:
Oh, so does this mean you are using the monitors as a dual display setup?

At this point in time, and I THINK I have the scaling wrong becuase now that I think about desktop seemed really *crowded* Grrrrr, I just wanna go home and tweak with this thing more....
i just read a few comments from newegg on this monitor and it seems it has a backlight bleeding problem.
90% of the LCD's that I have read about, regardless of the manufacturer, seem to have the dreaded bleeding backlight problem.
I'm extremely satisfied with the VP930B and it doesn't fail me in the gaming and video department at all.The colours are superb. Its very sharp - text is extremely clear and not 'pixelated' or chopped on the edges. Bottom line is that I'd have no hesitation in recommending this monitor to anyone, particulary gamers whose primary concern is ghosting effects within games.
gjwild said:
I'm extremely satisfied with the VP930B and it doesn't fail me in the gaming and video department at all.The colours are superb. Its very sharp - text is extremely clear and not 'pixelated' or chopped on the edges. Bottom line is that I'd have no hesitation in recommending this monitor to anyone, particulary gamers whose primary concern is ghosting effects within games.

Odd, cause im seeing a CRAP load of ghosting in comparision to my 2405. Im gonna run them side by side tonight and see WTF is going on.....

Plus this backlight bleeding sucks...
DaRkF0g said:
Ouch, I am glad you told me this, since I was looking at this monitor. I am still trying to decide on a Dell or a Samsung, both have their positives and negatives. Thats what makes choosing a LCD so difficult. Sure wish choosing a LCD was like the good old days of choosing a CRT, where you didnt have to worry about poor backlighting and ghosting. :confused:

Amen, man!! This seems like such a sucky time in general to be trying to upgrade to a nicer computer monitor. The top manufacturers stopped making the high quality diamontron and trinitron tube CRT's a year or 2 ago and LCD's still have some maturing to do to be perfected. Consumer = screwed [at least until LCD's fix their problems in a future product generation or SED or whatever newer technology comes out and becomes affordable.]
KeithM said:
Amen, man!! This seems like such a sucky time in general to be trying to upgrade to a nicer computer monitor. The top manufacturers stopped making the high quality diamontron and trinitron tube CRT's a year or 2 ago and LCD's still have some maturing to do to be perfected. Consumer = screwed [at least until LCD's fix their problems in a future product generation or SED or whatever newer technology comes out and becomes affordable.]

Quite unfortunate indeed. LCDs are not going to fix their issues anytime soon because backlight bleeding and ghosting are an inherent nature of the LCD technology.

I can't wait for SED. :mad:
After more testing side by side with my 2405, the VP930b definently ghosts more noticebly then the 2405, depending on the cirumstance. In Far Cry, very difficult to tell. HL2 deathmatch was a slaughter, in transition to black to gray/white areas in in regards to a ladder on wall or a object flying through the air it was plainley obvious that the VP930b ghosted more wether I was in 1280x1024 with the 2405 in scaled back mode or 1920x1200 and the VP930 displaying as much as it could, I still saw same results.

I can't get the Viewsonic color correction utility to work either, it locks up my machine
IceWind said:
After more testing side by side with my 2405, the VP930b definently ghosts more noticebly then the 2405, depending on the cirumstance. In Far Cry, very difficult to tell. HL2 deathmatch was a slaughter, in transition to black to gray/white areas in in regards to a ladder on wall or a object flying through the air it was plainley obvious that the VP930b ghosted more wether I was in 1280x1024 with the 2405 in scaled back mode or 1920x1200 and the VP930 displaying as much as it could, I still saw same results.

I can't get the Viewsonic color correction utility to work either, it locks up my machine

That sux man. I would try to get an RMA if your not happy, and try out the Samsung 940b.
ajm786 said:
I can't wait for SED. :mad:
Heh AMEN to that! Thats a looooong way off though.

I still love my Dell Trinitron, I just want to go to LCD for better color, refresh rates, higher res, and overall increase in brightness.
Nope still not getting any better over here. Never seen so much ghosting. My Hyundai L90+ would kick this things ass.