Viewsonic VP930b or the Samsung 940b?


Limp Gawd
May 14, 2005
Recently I've really been wanting an LCD to replace my incredibly heavy 19 inch CRT, partially so its easier to take to LAN parties and to save my eyes in case the theories are true.

After looking around alot, I've pretty much narrowed it down to two choiced: either the Viewsonic VP930b or the Samsung 940b. I havent really heard anything bad about the 940b, but there really havent been many reviews or opinions of it other than Budwise's very praising review, which does make me lean towards the 940b, and that its now a good bit cheaper than the viewsonic with the Samsung rebate. I like the viewsonic's adjustable stand, but I've heard alot about backlight problems which i would imagine would be much worse than a ton of dead pixels in dark games. However, I've also heard reports of flawless VP930b's so this means that without alot of opinions, Budwise's nice 940b could be an isolated case.

I'd be mainly using this monitor for gaming and not much else other than schoolwork and alot of website surfing. If anyone has a different monitor that they would reccommend, any opinions would be appreciated, although I wouldnt like to go below 19 inches, and price is a pretty important factor since I dont have much money and my parents will pay for some of it as a christmas present. Thanks in advance all.
between the two i'd lean more towards the vp930b - it's an 8bit MVA panel which means that you're going to get better colors. i had a samsung 6bit (tn) panel a while ago and it was plagued with screendoor and dithering problems - it actually had me ruling out lcds until i saw a few yesterday at bestbuy.

now, again, i'm not sure if my issues with samsung were an isolated case or "old technology" but i'm hesitant to go with another TN panel. there's a good looking viewsonic 19" widescreen lcd as well as the vx924 that look pretty good though afaik they're both TN/6bit panels ( :mad: ). "x-light" backlight leaking seems to be hit-and-miss with the vp930b and it's supposedly a good multiuse monitor.

the 970p from samsung sounds great, but it's effing spendy. i'm not sure if that panel is tn, mva, or ips - but some useres (like poweredbysoy) have one and have great thigns to say. as far as each panel goes there seems to be a blend of personal preference vs the unusualy random occurances of manufacturer defect. it's kind of lame but i have a few games i'm holding off on playing until i can figure out what panel to get. :p
Is the difference in colors on an 8 bit and 6 bit panel very noticable / worth an extra hundred dollars? I wish I could look at my local Best Buy, but they have a big wall of monitors all hooked up to one really shitty image splitter to make them all display the same picture, and the image quality is terrible on all of the monitors and almost none of them are calibrated correctly.
I'm wondering about those two lcd's also,

I would love to go dual lcd's but i'm hesitant about buying another one of these VX924's if there's a waay better lcd available.

My VX924 is a pretty good lcd. The first one i bought fried after two days but when they sent me this one after a little fuss, it's been good. It's alittle bright, but when you turn the brightness down using the nvidia video cards contol panel, it's gets better.

The only real problem that I have with this monitor is the backlighting. On a all black screen, the sides glow bad and there's the X mentioned above. Since I don't game much, the only game where this monitor has pissed me off was in Quake 4. "Just to much glowining the dark".

But between those two above.

I say either one will make you happy. IMO

The problem that I have picking one of those lcd's is that i like this VX924's frame/case/body better.
I don't like either of those frames. But if i had to choose one, I would go with the viewsonic VP930b or another VX924.

Hope that helped at least alittle,
KillerPotato said:
Is the difference in colors on an 8 bit and 6 bit panel very noticable / worth an extra hundred dollars? I wish I could look at my local Best Buy, but they have a big ball of monitors all hooked up to one really shitty image splitter to make them all display the same picture, and the image quality is terrible on all of the monitors and almost none of them are calibrated correctly.
6 vs 8 bit panels will be noticeable if you do a lot of work with graphics programs like Photoshop. Tradeoff: 6 bits = less colors, faster response time while 8 bits = more colors, slower response time.

BB and CC are the same way. They look to sell the Wow! factor but people who want to do a real comparison with real-world software and lighting are SOL.

I couldn't find a happy medium and would up returning my LCD and buying a new Trinitron. :) Now I have no response time problems, no color issues, I can clean the screen with Windex and paper towels, it handles different resolutions with no problems, there are no dead or stuck pixels and I have the full range of brightness and contrast controls available. Cheap, too!