Violent Video Games Linked to Child Aggression

There are no states that jail parents for spanking thier kids. WTF are you talking baout?
What world do you live in? There is a huge gray area an investigation alone to "abuse" is enough to make parents fearfull of doing what they think is right. Granted you have to be doing something crazy or get a crazy social worker to get jailed but with the justice system is it often true the innocent get punished and the practiced criminals go free.

I just dont understand why we can not have quality research anymore the test method is bias incarnate. Calling opinion questionnaires like this 'Research' like this is in line with calling the National Enquirer investigative reporting.
What world do you live in? There is a huge gray area an investigation alone to "abuse" is enough to make parents fearfull of doing what they think is right. Granted you have to be doing something crazy or get a crazy social worker to get jailed but with the justice system is it often true the innocent get punished and the practiced criminals go free.

I just dont understand why we can not have quality research anymore the test method is bias incarnate. Calling opinion questionnaires like this 'Research' like this is in line with calling the National Enquirer investigative reporting.

What world do i live in?

It is legal in every state to spank your kid on the ass. You would have to be leaving bruises or really hurting the child to get your ass in a sling and in that case you deserve what you get because you have clearly crossed a line.

Its this fucking stupid paranoia and misinformation that make parents fearfull of spanking thier children. Because people read of child abuse charges in thier paper and dont take the time to actually see what was done.
Also it is a moral grey area not a legal one. 49 of the 50 states have specific laws permitting spanking and the 50th has no laws either permitting or banning.
Freakanomics... I think his view was legal abortion was a factor in the drop of crime since there were less kids born into single families.

As for video games, Parents/media ought to pay the tiniest bit to the ratings on the damn box that gives an age range, DONT blame what is in the game when YOU buy GTA4 so your 6y old can play it.

I really hate it but I almost would go for manditory ID checking IF they also say in the same law that if you buy a game above your child's age then you have NOTHING to say about content in any form.
You know what makes me violent? These stupid studies that are neither logical or scientific. This is just the latest rug the media is beating on. First it was comic books, then Elvis, followed by Rock Music and then Rap Music. Now we have moved on to Video games. Why you ask? Because people don't want to admit the reason that their little Timmy is an anti-social Axe murderer is because they failed to instill a set of social values corresponding to action VS consequence and the respectability of everyday citizens. They should have asked the little brats if they know what a leather belt feels like when it's cracking you in the ass. I bet the ones who where found to be more violent would answer no.;)

I swear, it makes me ant to rip someone in half!:D
This article is common knowledge among teachers, and this aggressive behaviour is not exclusive to primary grades. When I have grade 9 or grade 10 boys in my class hurting each other using moves from assassin creed or pretend weapons from Halo it's not hard to make the connection to video games.
This being said if video games did not exist I'm sure they might find another form of media to copy. When I was a kid it was copying wrestling moves and doing them on your friends.
I believe that media, movies, and games, are far too graphic for younger kids. Now many may point to rating systems but parents are not using these and instead allowing their children to see content which they should not. In addition many parents are not supervising their children instead they are absentee parents or they just don't care enough to properly monitor and disciple their children.
Whether or not video games are linked to violence in children is always going to be debatable, but be that as it may, historically children have always been exposed to violence, be it through hunting, domestic trouble, tribal/territorial issues, civil war or national war. In the more civilised parts of the world we teach violence to children through schools, the church, mass media etc. In the less civilised we have child soldiers and bloody violence on a horrific scale.

Sadly, a lot of these studies seem too limited in their focus and are ultimitely a waste of time and resources, seeking to be headline grabbers to justify their existence. All froth and no substance. :(
Why do violence and hate always have to be bad? Don't they recognize that there can be appropriate times for it? If someone attacks my country, I am going to violently defend it. Sorry, but if you try and just talk to someone who is hell bent on killing you because you worship a God they don't like... you're only chance is to defend yourself violently. And yes, I hate what they do. So am I evil because I hate what they do?

The problem here is parents not taking the time to raise their kids right. They just sit them in front of a tv or give them a game to play with so they don't have to give their kid any attention that they really need. Then the tv and game get blamed. They aren't bad, but they way some people use them are bad.

Whatever, I've given up most of my hope for this country.