Virtual 3D Gaming


Aug 28, 2007
Does anyone recall having used those 3D glasses with their games that create the effect of being truly 3D, by adding a false sense of depth to the 3D image displayed on the screen?

I remember owning a pair of the 3D relevator glasses that did this, and playing through Half-Life and Opposing Forces with them. It was a blast, but it had a few drawbacks. The device operated in such a way that it would cut your effective framerate in half. Which may not seem like much to us now, especially considering these old games, but back in the days of the original GeForce, Voodoo3's and TNT cards, that was a big problem. Additionally, even if you were one of the luck few to have one of the powerful new GeForce cards, you were also limited by the refresh rate of your monitor. A monitor that was set to run at 60Hz at a given resolution would be limited by that as well, even if the video card was pumping out 80+ frames per second. Either way, using these glasses would effectively cut your framerate in half, but provide an immensely more immersive experience and an image that appeared as if you could reach out and "touch" the objects on screen.

Long story short, now that I an no longer really being confined by these sorts of restraints and with hardware that will get me the most out of the experience, I'm kind of looking to try this again. However, I don't know if they still make these sort of devices, keep updated drivers for them, or have adapted them to work with anything besides Direct3D rendering. Has anyone uses devices like this recently or know anything recent about them?