Vision-Free Cheetah 3 Robot Can Climb Stairs Littered With Obstacles


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
MIT has developed a four-legged robot they call Cheetah and it's pretty remarkable since it doesn't have any kind of camera to watch where it's going. They've built special sensors into the robot that allows it to feel it's way around like a human would do in a pitch black room. They say since it relies on tactile information it can move faster over unexpected obstacles. Enough of explaining what it can do when you can watch their video. Check it out.

Watch the video here.

“Cheetah 3 is designed to do versatile tasks such as power plant inspection, which involves various terrain conditions including stairs, curbs, and obstacles on the ground,” Kim says. "I think there are countless occasions where we [would] want to send robots to do simple tasks instead of humans. Dangerous, dirty, and difficult work can be done much more safely through remotely controlled robots.”
Every time I see Atlas or Cheeta or the Dog I'm both glad I'm alive today and mildly pissed I wont be alive way in the future when all of this will look like Caveman technology......Seeing Atlas run over open terrain or walk methodically over that snowy, uneven ground makes me jealous knowing I'll probably die terrified and confused in a hospital bed, as opposed to all those lucky people who will die terrified and confused being ripped limb from limb by a super-cool terminator-looking thing instead...
Some people are just lucky :(
Interesting tech but I think SpotMini will be more effetive in it's attempts to murder us all.
They need to start marketing these to people who live on upper level apartments with hardwood floors.
What a propaganda piece... people just sitting on the steps chilling right next to their mechanical overlord.