Visiontek X800 XT PE for sale

total BS. I called them today, got a dopey sounding sales girl on the phone. She said they were all sold out the day of their press release (6/15/04) and have no idea when others are coming in. They have a queue 100+ deep, and cannot even supply their retailers with product.

No further info was available.

what the heck is going on with ATI? If there are more than 300-400 cards released nationwide, that would be alot.

I have my business hardware vendor who usually stocks ATI scouring all his resources, with nadda information. no wonder people are selling them for deep profits on fleabay.
I dont get why anyone would buy them on Gaybay for more than retail. What they cant hold on for a month or less. What game do they have that cant be played with a 9800pro? It makes no sense! Its like they have to brag about having one a few weeks before everyone else. No one will care who had it first in a month or so. :confused: